It’s done, Google announces a nice surprise for the Wolof language

It’s done, Google announces a nice surprise for the Wolof language
It’s done, Google announces a nice surprise for the Wolof language

The famous search engine Google has announced the addition of 110 new languages ​​to its translation application, including the Wolof language spoken by almost all populations in Senegal.

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Aiming to integrate the 1,000 languages ​​available into its services, Google added 110 new languages ​​to its Google Translate application last Thursday. The group now makes it possible to translate new French regional languages, such as Breton, Occitan or Wolof.

It is now possible to translate texts into Wolof, Cantonese, Swati, Punjabi, Manx, the Celtic language of the Isle of Man or even Afar, a language spoken in Djibouti, Eritrea and Ethiopia. “ Some are major languages ​​in the world, with more than 100 million speakers. Others are spoken by small indigenous communities, and a few have almost no native speakers but are making active revitalization efforts.” Google specifies in a blog post.

These new languages ​​and dialects are in addition to the 133 already available in the Californian company’s translation application. According to Google, this is the ” most important update since the launch of Google Translate » . These new languages ​​represent more than 660 million speakers worldwide, according to the company which assures that it “ will enable approximately 8% of the world’s population to perform translations.”

Progress made possible by the use of artificial intelligence (AI) and in particular the PaLM 2 language model, similar to Gemini, Google’s AI. But also thanks to the contribution of specialized linguists, experts, translators and native speakers.

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