“I sent a letter to the Ministry of Agriculture”: a high school student from Lot-et-Garonne misses his vocational baccalaureate by less than one point, he contests his result

“I sent a letter to the Ministry of Agriculture”: a high school student from Lot-et-Garonne misses his vocational baccalaureate by less than one point, he contests his result
“I sent a letter to the Ministry of Agriculture”: a high school student from Lot-et-Garonne misses his vocational baccalaureate by less than one point, he contests his result

the essential
A high school student from Lot-et-Garonne does not understand why, despite an average of over 9/20, he was not called for resit exams. The high school and government services are passing the buck.

A high school student in the agricultural vocational baccalaureate took his exams at the beginning of June. He was confident. So, when the results came out on Thursday, June 27, 10 days before those of the general and technological baccalaureate, he was very disappointed.

“My parents were sad, but they looked for solutions.” Rejected for two below-average grades in the continuous assessment, the young man from Lot-et-Garonne thought about avenues of appeal with his loved ones.

The family finally decided to send a letter to the Ministry of Agriculture, the ministry responsible for his baccalaureate, to explain the situation and contest the result.

“The student can appeal to the DRAAF to see his copies”

A direct procedure, but outside the wishes of the ministry, which requires first of all contact with the high school. If this is not conclusive, the student can then take his case to the agricultural education mediator.

An appeal that is also complicated due to the baccalaureate calendar: the resits for the agricultural professional baccalaureate exams are scheduled for July 3 and 4. A period of time that is probably too short to process the student’s request.

Contacted, the services of the DRAAF (Regional Directorate for Food, Agriculture and Forestry), which has authority over agricultural vocational baccalaureates, indicate that the high school “will be best placed to respond”.

Also contacted, the establishment disputes the responsibility for the validation or not of the student’s baccalaureate. “We cannot be judge and jury”, justifies the management which sends to the examination service managed by the DRAAF, therefore by the State services. “The student can appeal to the DRAAF and ask to see his copies”, before possibly appealing to the mediator. The procedure for contesting the results therefore promises to be difficult.



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