Lens / Cabot: “Everything remains to be done”

Lens / Cabot: “Everything remains to be done”
Lens / Cabot: “Everything remains to be done”

Lens was supposed to be a springboard for you. Ultimately, with this injury, can we say that the whole story remains to be told?
Yes, clearly, everything remains to be done. I have to come back physically well, I have two years left on my contract.

Psychologically, it must not have been easy every day…
The horrible thing is that they don’t give you a deadline. You feel like you’ll never see the end. Afterwards, I’m a bit neurotic (sic), so I would never have given up, even with a one percent chance (of playing again). The worst thing about an injury is that you have a lot of free time. Some will say that’s good but in fact it’s not. Everything revolves around your main activity and you can’t do it, so it’s really frustrating. You had to have a lot of resilience.

At the group level, did you feel left out?

No, because in Lens, there is a structure that is really well done, with breakfasts together, lunches too… So I was still in contact with my teammates a lot through all that. The frustration comes from not being on the pitch… Especially since the first year, we had an exceptional season. I am a Lens supporter, so what happened was great, with the public and this exceptional fervour but when you are not on the pitch, it is complicated.

Do the people of Lens support their players even when they are injured?
Yes, honestly, it’s incredible. It’s crazy to have this support with so few games played. It’s incredible! Whether from outside or internally, it’s really exceptional, and that’s what attracts a lot of people. There’s an exceptional fervor. For that too, it’s crazy to be in this club.

Does all this mean that you could easily imagine settling in Lens for the long term?

I am in a magnificent club today that plays the leading roles in Ligue 1, I have not had the opportunity to show myself. I only have one desire, it is to play in this club in front of this public, to be able to be physically well, and to be able to continue. Of my four years of contract, I have done two with injuries so I will have to show that I can claim something, and I will give everything to play as quickly as possible.

In your situation, treating yourself to a poker break in Marrakech during this Winamax Sismix festival must have done you the world of good…
Yes, of course. It had been several years since I had really had a mental break. Being able to be physically well, working for the preparation that was coming and being able to cut with poker, it was perfect.

Are you such a poker fanatic that you postponed your vacation as soon as you found out the date of this Sismix festival?

I had the opportunity, I was invited, I love poker, so I’m happy to have been able to fit it in. I like playing these tournaments and it’s cool to discover all that. I came to have fun, without any goal. I take hours (of poker), I’m coached, but it’s more of a recreational thing, even if I try to have a minimum of skills.



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