Unusual: Apple Watch saves a firefighter from a heart attack

Unusual: Apple Watch saves a firefighter from a heart attack
Unusual: Apple Watch saves a firefighter from a heart attack

Once again, the Cupertino company’s connected watch has saved a life. Today’s unusual story takes us to Canada, where a firefighter owes a debt of gratitude to his Apple Watch… Story.

While it accompanies us in our daily lives, for example by allowing us to read our text messages or emails without using our smartphone, the Apple Watch offers much more: we have lost count of the number of times the smartwatch signed by Apple saved the lives of its users. After saving that of a poisoned woman, or after detecting a serious heart problem in a passenger in mid-flight at 10,000 meters altitude, the Apple Watch plays the heroine and does it again.

Firefighter having heart attack

Travis Chalmers, a Canadian firefighter based in Nova Scotia, certainly has himself to thank for one day switching to an Apple Watch. The story of this 44-year-old father is banal and sadly ordinary: while playing hockey with his son, the man suddenly feels a ‘warm feeling’ in the chest, accompanied by a severe headache. Here is what the firefighter said, interviewed a few days ago by our Canadian colleagues from Global News :

”I just thought it was a flu or cold coming on and my seasonal allergies had kicked in. I thought it was flu-like symptoms and ignored it.”

Despite the symptoms, Chalmers decided not to pay too much attention to them. Luckily, the firefighter had the reflexes to glance at his Apple Watch, which he had worn every day for years. The result was clear: Travis Chalmers suffered from atrial fibrillation, a rapid heartbeat that can increase the risk of stroke and heart failure. Since his heart continued to maintain an irregular rhythm, he finally decided to go to a nearby hospital as an emergency.

Suffering from a blocked artery ”100%”, the man was indeed having a heart attack. Although he leads an active lifestyle, largely thanks to his work as a firefighter, Chalmers warns: No matter your background or fitness level, if you wear an Apple Watch regularly and notice an irregularity in your heart rate, check out a doctor as soon as possible.

Ciorsti MacIntyre, cardiologist at Halifax Hospital, also praised the popularity and reliability of the Apple Watch, saying that the connected watch offers ”more people can be immediately notified when they have an abnormal heart rhythm.”

Fall for the Apple Watch

All’s well that ends well thanks to the Apple Watch! A great proof of the effectiveness of the sensors of the Apple connected watch, a true technological gem supporting its users in monitoring their health.

Source : GlobalNews



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