How to manage the release of a game? – Libération

How to manage the release of a game? – Libération
How to manage the release of a game? – Libération

The monthly meeting of our podcast “Silence on joue” dedicated to the creative process focuses on the crucial moment of making a new game available to the public.

In the loop is a monthly meeting that focuses on the creation of video games in the company of Laurent Victorino, founder of Monkey Moon (Night Calls, Flat Eye) and Jehanne Rousseau, co-founder of Spiders (Greedfall, Steelrising). Each month, we will receive a creator to talk in depth about one aspect of game development and to look back on the creation of a particular game.

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As the show is recorded live, the video replay version is available on YouTube:

For this episode, we are interested in this crucial moment that is the release of a game that has often required several years of work. How to prepare for it? In what state of mind are we on the day of the release? Are there mistakes to avoid? Jehanne Rousseau, Laurent Victorino and Florent Maurin share their experiences on the subject.

In the second part, we will ask our guest, founder of The Pixel Hunt, to submit to the “postmortem” exercise, looking back on what went well and not so well during the development of your latest game, The Wreck.



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