Google announces the closure of this very practical service, it will be necessary to find an alternative

Google announces the closure of this very practical service, it will be necessary to find an alternative
Google announces the closure of this very practical service, it will be necessary to find an alternative

Did you know that Google has a document scanning application called Stack, rated 4.7/5 on the Play Store? This will soon be ancient history. Users are advised to upgrade to Google Drive for this feature and export their Stack documents to the primary cloud solution in the Google ecosystem.

Credits: 123rf

Google has gotten into the habit of closing many of its services, either because they were not meeting the expected success, or because they were duplicating another platform. It has also become a running gag on the internet, and initiatives have even gone so far as to list the number of products and services abandoned by the American firm. The Google Cemetery records 166 deaths, when the site Killed by Google is more exhaustive, listing 295 corpses. One of the latest is the VPN which was included in the Google One subscription.

Another service is about to join this long list. Google has announced the upcoming death of Stack: PDF Scanner by Google, which will no longer be available from September 23, 2024. This application allows you to scan documents and organize them. It has already been removed from the Play Store, but will continue to work for a few months on devices on which it is already installed.

How to export your Stack documents to Google Drive

Once Stack: PDF Scanner by Google is no longer supported, the company recommends users switch to Google Drive’s built-in scanner tool, which is also very capable. To make the transition easier, Google has provided a feature to easily export its Stack documents to Google Drive.

To access all your Stack documents on Google Drive, simply follow the steps to follow:

  • Open the Stack app
  • See you in AccountThen Settingsand select the option Export all your documents to Drive
  • Confirm the operation by pressing Export

Once this manipulation has been carried out, a new folder entitled “Stack” will be created in the My Drive section of your cloud storage space. It brings together all the documents you had on Stack.

It is also possible to export an individual document to any other platform. When the document is open, press the share button and select the application you want to send it to.



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