Intrusion alarm in a school in Perpignan: large police resources mobilized

Intrusion alarm in a school in Perpignan: large police resources mobilized
Intrusion alarm in a school in Perpignan: large police resources mobilized

An intrusion alarm was triggered this Tuesday, July 2, 2024 in the morning at the D’Alembert school in Perpignan.

Big heatwave this morning in the Saint-Assiscle district where the intrusion alarm was triggered while the children were at recess in the schoolyard. The alert is said to have come from the nursery school. In any case, the school caretaker is said to have rushed out to get the children to safety. In order not to panic them, he is said to have told them that they had to get back into the classrooms quickly.because of Covid”. “My daughter told me that they had all taken refuge in the rooms, the teacher closed the shutters and pushed a desk in front of the door to block it.”says a mother.She almost cried with emotion, but the children remained calm.”continues the mother of the students. She herself discovered the situation around 11:30 a.m. when she came to pick up her offspring.I saw armed police officers near the town hall annex. (on Pascal-Marie Agasse Avenue, Editor’s note)who were packing up their things. But other parents who arrived earlier told me that they had seen the school surrounded by national and municipal police officers and the intervention brigade.”

A device that would have made a mother panic, seized by an anxiety attack and tears, she had to call her husband for help. But for everyone, the incident ended well. The police confirmed that it was a false alarm. Contrary to the rumors that circulated, no arrests were made.



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