The end of the “Taqafiat” program

The end of the “Taqafiat” program
The end of the “Taqafiat” program
HEM Research Center has just announced the closing of its innovative “Taqafiat” program, initiated with the Agence Universitaire de la Francophonie (North Africa), as part of a project to support cultural and creative industries (ICC) financed by the Cooperation and Cultural Action Service of the French Embassy and in partnership with the Ministry of Youth, Culture and Communication, the Federation of Cultural and Creative Industries (Morocco) and the Souss Massa Region.

Welcoming the positive results of this program for the year 2023-2024, HEM Research center explains that the program in question is an innovative training cycle that targets first-time professionals in the cultural and artistic fields. Its objective is to provide them with essential skills to manage projects, spaces, events and cultural dynamics.

By participating in this initiative, professionals were able to acquire and develop the skills necessary to lead cultural and artistic initiatives, both nationally and internationally, with real mastery of knowledge, know-how and modes of action.

In addition, the training was crowned by a double certification from HEM and the Agence universitaire de la Francophonie. HEM also explains that the training “Management of Cultural & Creative Sectors” offered as part of the “Taqafiat” program is distinguished by its integrated and multidisciplinary approach.

It alternates conceptual teachings given by specialists, practical workshops, apprenticeships with recognized professionals, as well as coaching and field experimentation sessions. This holistic approach allowed participants to benefit from a complete and balanced training, combining theory and practice, concludes the same source.



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