“UEFA’s position is definitive”: François Cuillandre extinguishes the last hopes of playing the European Cup in Brest

“UEFA’s position is definitive”: François Cuillandre extinguishes the last hopes of playing the European Cup in Brest
“UEFA’s position is definitive”: François Cuillandre extinguishes the last hopes of playing the European Cup in Brest

“UEFA’s position is definitive: unfortunately, Stade Brestois will not play the European Cup at Francis-Le Blé,” confirmed François Cuillandre, the mayor of Brest, at the opening of the city’s municipal council, this Tuesday May 28, 2024 in the evening. He also confirmed that discussions with Guingamp are continuing in a constructive spirit, “with a good hope of reaching an agreement soon”.

UEFA’s arguments have difficulty getting through

The fact remains that the arguments put forward orally by the European football body to refuse approval of the Le Blé stadium remain stuck in the mayor’s throat. The tubular stands, the presence of backless seats, and the dependence of the stadium on the neighboring establishment were therefore highlighted.

If François Cuillandre recognizes that this last point is problematic and is also the subject of exemptions granted by the Football League for ten years, the other two seriously question it. And to wonder out loud: “Does anyone serious imagine that we put people in danger all year round? And can we imagine that, in the Kemper stand, the supporters would remain seated? “. To be clear, François Cuillandre indicates that he asked UEFA to confirm its position in writing.

A meeting on the new stadium on Wednesday

While the Roudourou track is becoming a little clearer, François Cuillandre announces that he has convened a thematic plenary commission on the new stadium project, open to all elected officials from Brest metropolis, and to them alone. It will be held on Wednesday June 5. The opportunity to inform the entire assembly on the progress of the file. A broader communication should be made in the following days, according to modalities which remain under development.



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