complete guide to aid and subsidies

Understanding the support available

Government aid : The French State offers several financial aid to encourage energy renovation. Among the best-known schemes, we find MaPrimeRénov’, a program accessible to all owners and co-owners, without income conditions. In 2021, this system was expanded, allowing greater support for the work.

Energy Savings Certificates (CEE) : Energy suppliers are required to promote energy efficiency to their customers by offering them bonuses for carrying out work. This system makes it possible to significantly reduce the cost of renovation.

Local aid : Many local authorities also offer specific aid for energy renovation. These subsidies vary from one region to another and can cover a significant portion of the expenses incurred.

Zero interest loans : The zero-rate loan (eco-PTZ) is another financial lever for owners wishing to carry out energy renovation work. This loan allows you to finance up to 30,000 euros of work without paying interest.

Steps to access renovation assistance

Initial assessment : Before you start, it is essential to carry out an energy audit of your home. This diagnosis allows you to identify the necessary work and prioritize the most effective interventions.

Choice of work : Based on the results of the audit, define the work to be undertaken. The most common include insulating the attic, replacing windows, and installing more efficient heating systems.

Search for aids : Identify the aid and subsidies for which you are eligible. The official website of the National Housing Agency (Anah) and FAIRE advisors can guide you in this process.

Constitution of the file : Prepare your grant application file carefully. Make sure to provide all required documents, such as quotes for the work and proof of income.

Declaration of works : Before starting work, certain aids require the start of work to be declared to the body granting the subsidy.

Execution of works : Call on qualified and RGE (Recognized Environmental Guarantor) certified professionals to guarantee the quality of the work and eligibility for aid.



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