Fabien Roussel beaten in the first round

Fabien Roussel beaten in the first round
Fabien Roussel beaten in the first round

The boss of the French communists will not find his seat at the Palais Bourbon. In the 20th constituency in the North, it was the National Rally candidate who won the election in the first round with around 50% of the votes.

This is the first cataclysm of these legislative elections. Member of Parliament since 2017 for the 20th constituency of the North, Fabien Roussel will not return to the National Assembly. In second position with around 29% of the votes, the former presidential candidate was eliminated after the election, in the first round, of National Rally candidate Guillaume Florquin, who claimed 50.3% of the votes.

Fabien Roussel’s re-election in 2022 had already not been easy. The communist came out on top in the first round with only a point and a half ahead of the RN candidate, who was already Guillaume Florquin. In the second round, the 55-year-old won with 54.40% of the vote.

“Beaten but not defeated. I would even say still standing. We must face what is happening here, remain dignified, measure what is happening in our country and always fight to repair what arouses the anger of our fellow citizens.declared Fabien Roussel a few minutes after the confirmation of his elimination.



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