What happens if your child fails the CEB?

What happens if your child fails the CEB?
What happens if your child fails the CEB?

But what happens if it fails? To pass, the child must obtain a mark of 50% in each of the three disciplines. If he meets these requirements, there is no possibility of procrastination: he gets his CEB directly.

Conversely, if he fails in one or more disciplines, the student is not necessarily failed. It can in fact be decided favorably by the school jury or the class council, indicates the education portal in the Wallonia-Brussels Federation. Concretely, this implies that the juries meet to analyze the situation of the young person in difficulty. The teaching staff then makes its decision based on the results of the last two school years.

Between the CEB and the CE1D, a performance gap which calls out: “A certain number of students fail to assimilate the transition”

If the class council confirms the failure situation, the student has two options: restart primary 6 or go to differentiated secondary 1. At the end of this first differentiated year, he will be able to retake his CEB.

When the 6th grade student does not obtain their basic education certificate, the school management is also required to invite the parents to an interview during which it explains to them the decision to refuse the grant. of the CEB. She must also consider with them the different possibilities for continuing their child’s education, and finally inform them of the procedures for lodging an appeal.

Parents can challenge the jury’s decision

Parents who disagree with the jury’s decision can lodge an appeal. Please note, this is a well-codified procedure. Parents must in fact create a file including the appeal request form (appendix D) – CEB 2024, duly completed. They are also required to communicate the detailed results of the student in the CEB test, but also to provide a copy of the decision to refuse granting as well as its motivations. The file will finally contain a copy of the teacher’s detailed report, a copy of the report cards from the last two years and, possibly, any document likely to enlighten the Appeals Council.

The appeal request must be sent by registered mail to the Secretariat of the Chamber of Appeal of the Wallonia-Brussels Federation, by Friday July 12, 2024. A copy of this complete file must also be sent to the school, by registered mail. .

Ultimately, it is the Board of Appeal which will be in charge to decide on the granting (or not) of the precious CEB. It must render its decision by Friday August 16, 2024 at the latest.

