RTL info-Cluster17 poll – What will the political landscape look like after June 9? The first trends are emerging

The elections are approaching and one question is on everyone’s lips: what could the Belgian political landscape look like after this election? RTL info and Cluster 17 surveyed the voting intentions of Belgians.

On Sunday June 9, 8,359,000 voters will be called to the polls for the regional, federal and European elections. A day which will decide the political future of the country for the next 5 years. And if a surprise is always possible, the first elements are already emerging if we rely on the latest RTL info-Cluster 17 survey.

Brussels turns blue

With 22.9%, the Reform Movement (MR) of Georges-Louis Bouchez confirms the latest polls and presents itself as the leading party in the capital. In second position, we find the PTB with an impressive progression compared to the 2019 election, allowing it to display 19.8% of voting intentions. To complete the podium, the PS would collect 15%.

Behind, we find Écolo, in sharp decline since 2019, with 11.6%. Finally, Les Engagés (7.8%) and DÉFI (7%) are neck and neck.

©RTL info-Cluster17

The PS in the lead in Wallonia

In the south of the country, the leading party remains the Socialist Party. Paul Magnette’s PS collects 23.9%, followed by the MR (23%) and the Engagés (17.9%).

The PTB ranks 4th with 16%, and is followed by Écolo with 8%.

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©RTL info-Cluster17

In Flanders, place for the extreme

What is announced by the latest surveys is confirmed in our survey. With 27.2%, or almost one Flemish in 4, Vlaams Belang comes first in voting intentions in the north of the country. Behind him, Bart De Wever’s N-VA appeals to almost 1 in 5 Flemings (19.6%). The Flemish Socialists (Vooruit) come in third position with 13%.

As for Open-VLD, the party of the current Prime Minister, its intentions are 9.3%. And as in Wallonia, the Flemish Green Party comes last with 6.9%.

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©RTL info-Cluster17

Note that this RTL INFO-Cluster17 survey was carried out online, from May 28 to 31, 2024, with a sample of 2,641 people (including 1,000 Walloons, 501 Brussels residents, 1,140 Flemings) aged 18 and over. The margin of error is between 1.3% and 3% in Flanders, between 1.4% and 3% in Wallonia and between 1.9% and 4.5% in Brussels.

elections 2024 polls Cluster17 belgium politics

