Legislative (Saône et Loire): The reactions of Aurélien Dutremble, Rémy Rebeyrotte and Richard Béninger in the 3rd constituency

Legislative (Saône et Loire): The reactions of Aurélien Dutremble, Rémy Rebeyrotte and Richard Béninger in the 3rd constituency
Legislative (Saône et Loire): The reactions of Aurélien Dutremble, Rémy Rebeyrotte and Richard Béninger in the 3rd constituency

The RN candidate calls for a “common sense vote”. Rémy Rebeyrotte calls for blocking the RN. The candidate of the New Popular Front says the same thing, “without qualms” and withdraws in favor of the outgoing MP.

“I remain cautious…” This is what Aurélien Dutremble says. The leader of the National Rally, in Saône et Loire, coming out on top in the 3rd constituency, does not want to cry victory too quickly. Sunday evening, he displayed legitimate satisfaction, but above all, he called on voters to “vote the right way. Yes, a common sense vote for purchasing power. And for that, there is only the vote for the National Rally candidates. A republican and patriotic vote.
It was not without pleasure that he welcomed the results, even if he did not fully receive the expected votes (read our previous article).

In decoding, the strong increase in participation rather benefited others. “In this first round, we saw that there is a desire for change. This is what we heard on the ground where people told us that they are fed up with Macronie. And in this sense, we must remain mobilized to beat candidate Rebeyrotte. It embodies the decline in purchasing power and attacks on health. His assessment is extremely negative. And everyone knows that.”
Richard Béninger, the LFI candidate of the New Popular Front, will not have procrastinated for long. “In 2022, I was not qualified for the second round. This year yes, but as I come third, I have decided to withdraw and I ask that everywhere in Saône et Loire and in France it be the same. Let there be withdrawals everywhere to block the National Rally.”
Richard Beninger therefore calls for voting for Rémy Rebeyrotte in the second round. There is no ambiguity for me: I clearly call for defeating the National Rally. We must do everything to beat the National Rally. We must fight so that the extreme right does not obtain an absolute majority in the National Assembly!”
Charles Landre, for his part, announced that he would react to the results and announce his position for the second round on Monday. Rémy Rebeyrotte, for his part, reacted by press release when he received the complete results in the evening.

Rémy Rebeyrotte :
“To affirm our territory as a republican land of resistance”

“First of all, we want to thank very warmly the more than 13,600 voters who gave us their support in this first round and entrusted us with the responsibility of facing the parachuted candidate of the RN next Sunday.
We call for the coming together of all Democrats and Republicans in the face of the danger that the extreme right represents for our country, for its civil peace and for its economic, social and ecological development.
Here, the RN candidate filled up with his votes this Sunday.
No voice must be missing in our constituency to block it next Sunday, to affirm our territory as a republican land, of resistance to the National Front wave that is coming. A land that retains local elected representatives, at the service of the projects of our living areas, our municipalities, our businesses, our associations and all of our fellow citizens, without discrimination.
On July 7, we can win, we MUST win, for our territory, for the Republic and for France. Together, let’s vote and get people to vote.
Victory is possible. With you, it will be there!”

Danièle PICARD


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