Marie-Alix Jeanson (Large families) reveals that she has finally found accommodation in the Paris region

Marie-Alix Jeanson (Large families) reveals that she has finally found accommodation in the Paris region
Marie-Alix Jeanson (Large families) reveals that she has finally found accommodation in the Paris region

In the midst of preparations for her tribe’s return to mainland France, Marie-Alix Jeanson spoke about the mental and physical burden of the move. This Tuesday, June 18, she finally announces big news to her Instagram subscribers.

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The Jeansons, who became known in 2020 thanks to the show Large families: life in XXL, lead a particularly lively life. Alexandre, the career military father, is often transferred, which leads to frequent moves. Two years ago, the tribe settled in Reunion. However, this month of June marks the beginning of their return to the Paris region, a transition that Marie-Alix Jeanson is actively preparing. The most complicated challenge for both parents was finding accommodation in mainland France before the end of the summer. A situation which remained worrying until now since the Jeansons could have been homeless for two months. If they had planned to stay in their house in Charentes, purchased for situations like this, Marie-Alix has excellent news to announce to her community!

The Jeansons have finally found accommodation for the start of the school year

After weeks of research, stress and organization to move into their second home while waiting to find accommodation in the Paris region, the mother of Mayeul, Auxence, Faustine, Victor and Aloys shared the good news this Monday, June 18 on Instagram: Accommodation for the start of the school year (emoji validated). Perfect location. All that’s left to do is finalize the schools for everyone and organize the move in for the very end of the summer. (We made a novena to Saint-Joseph, two days after the end, we have accommodation. Novena: recite the same prayer on nine consecutive days for a particular intention)”.

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Marie-Alix Jeanson criticized for her repeated complaints

This is the eleventh move in 19 years for the Jeanson family. And yet, Marie-Alix tortured her mind for weeks organizing the departure of the first items transported by containers. Some Internet users have also criticized her for her repeated complaints about the preparations. “How many times have we seen people who have told us that they think we are lucky and envy us. But when we tell you everything there is to do, they admit that they would never have done it… And the others, those who know what it represents, thank you for your kind words. Moving is exhausting, mentally and physicallyshe responded to her detractors.

Article written with the collaboration of 6Medias

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