Vosges. Companies fearing early legislative elections

Vosges. Companies fearing early legislative elections
Vosges. Companies fearing early legislative elections

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“Our goal is to work with everyone of goodwill. It is important to talk about production, industrialization and job creation,” says Cédric Roost, president of the Confederation of Small and Medium Enterprises (CPME) of Vosges, who specifies that his organization is apolitical. But who nevertheless fears being penalized as a boss: “If we start to penalize us as entrepreneurs with additional charges, we won’t get out of it. »

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Michel Borens goes further: “Given the fragility of our public finances, an uncertain economic situation and fierce international competition, several measures proposed by the New Popular Front and the National Rally appear inappropriate for the French economy. »

A solid economic fabric

“The economic fabric in the Vosges is solid, it would be a shame to sacrifice everything because of various and varied ideologies. Because if there are no businesses, there are no jobs,” continues Cédric Roost, who is not against “selective immigration, framed by type of job since the problem we have in France is a problem of qualification.”

It is true that to date, the main problem encountered by Vosges companies is recruitment. According to a survey by France Travail which reports on companies’ need for manpower, more than 11,000 hiring intentions are recorded in 2024 for the department. This survey shows that recruitment difficulties mainly come from a lack of qualifications.

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Focus on training

Why then not focus on training as recommended by the Union of Local Businesses (U2P)? Olivier Huchedé, its president, wants existing training aids to be retained, such as learning aids. He wants to safeguard the measures adapted to VSE-SMEs in terms of labor law. He also calls for the ability to test a law in VSE-SMEs before its application.

Olivier Huchedé above all fears “the possible excesses that there may be in the event of a demonstration and that stores are targeted” at the end of the second round.



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