Armed brawl in the Chaudron district of Saint-Denis: three men in prison

Armed brawl in the Chaudron district of Saint-Denis: three men in prison
Armed brawl in the Chaudron district of Saint-Denis: three men in prison

The scene completely degenerated when one of the protagonists used a pellet gun, shooting one of the members of the rival group. Seriously hit in the thigh by a spray of lead, the latter was granted 45 days of total interruption of work. The shooter, whose weapon could not be found, finally went to the Malartic police station during the weekend.

Fear of a “return match”

Brought to the courthouse on Monday June 24, three defendants were presented for trial yesterday in immediate appearance, both as perpetrators and as victims of this violence with mutual weapons. They asked for more time to prepare their defense.

Dreading “a return match”, the prosecution requested the continued pre-trial detention of the three men, in a courtroom full of supporters of the two groups. Affirming “that there would be no reprisals”the defense lawyers argued for release under judicial supervision.

After deliberating, the court, however, decided to keep the three defendants in prison until the date of their trial, which was postponed until July 24.

S. G.

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