Kendji Girac speaks on video for the first time since his injury

Kendji Girac speaks on video for the first time since his injury
Kendji Girac speaks on video for the first time since his injury

“I really regret everything that happened”: on the social network Instagram, singer Kendji Girac apologized to his fans, following the gunshot wound he self-inflicted. inflicted last April. “I got into a spiral that I wouldn’t wish on anyone (…). I got lost.”

The singer found himself at the heart of the turmoil last April. After being injured by bullets, he first claimed that it was an accident which took place during a domestic dispute, during which he wanted to fire to impress his partner who wanted to break up with him. . Since then, the police investigation has proven that the singer had in fact shot himself.

In his video, the artist began by justifying his period of silence : “since my message of May 10, I have not given you any news because I had to take care of myself and think about what had happened to understand how I got to this point. And above all make the right decisions for the future. I also wanted to let justice do its job.

I almost lost my life, the love of my family, my audience, my friends. My daughter almost lost her father“, he regrets. “I don’t know what happened, and I don’t intend to do all these things again (…). I want to go back to being the boy I was.” He says “get help, so I don’t do it again.” “It’s up to me now to show you who I am, to regain your trust.”

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