Trump accuses Joe Biden of persecuting Catholics

Trump accuses Joe Biden of persecuting Catholics
Trump accuses Joe Biden of persecuting Catholics

Donald Trump delivered the keynote speech at the “2024 Road to Majority” conference hosted by the Faith & Freedom Coalition on Saturday in Washington, D.C. Mr. Trump’s speech addressed the persecution of Catholics:

“The radical left will always attack believers (…) because they know that our allegiance is not for them (…) our allegiance is for our country and our allegiance is for our Creator”.

Mr. Trump also told his largely evangelical audience that he was concerned about the Biden regime’s attacks on Catholics.

“And I don’t know, it’s a little less related to this room, but we’re all in this together. What’s going on with Catholics? “They are persecuted (…) by (Joe Biden). This man has no idea what’s going on.”

As LifeSite reported in February 2023, the FBI was caught monitoring Catholics attending Latin Mass churches across the United States under the pretext that “white nationalist” ideology was spreading in their communities. Traditional Catholic groups such as the Society of Saint Pius X, the Society of Saint Peter have been targeted. The House of Representatives was so appalled by the FBI’s behavior that Judiciary Committee Chairman Jim Jordan, an Ohio Republican, held numerous hearings on it, before the agency was scandalously exonerated by the Mr. Biden’s Department of Justice in the spring of 2024.

LifeSite also published a detailed article about Mark Houck, a pro-life Catholic father of seven, whose Pennsylvania home was raided by dozens of armed federal agents in 2022, traumatizing his children. Last month, Mark Houck filed a lawsuit against the Justice Department citing “malicious” prosecution and “retaliation.”

In his speech on Saturday, Mr. Trump praised the state of Louisiana, which made the presence of the Ten Commandments in classrooms compulsoryHe also reiterated his intention to help those imprisoned by the Biden administration.

“We will quickly examine the cases of all political prisoners unjustly victimized by the Biden regime in order to get them out of the gulag and return them to their families, to whom they belong.”

Trump singled out pro-life activist Paula Harlow, 75, who was recently sentenced to 24 months in prison for blocking access to a late-term abortion center in the nation’s capital in 2020. She had been convicted in November 2023 of “conspiracy against rights” and violation of the FACE law for her participation in a peaceful operation. A devout Catholic, she was prohibited during the trial from attending mass while under house arrest, despite her direct request to the judge during the hearing. Paula, “hold on,” because “we’re going to get you out of here,” Mr. Trump said.

Mr. Trump also reminded his audience that he intended to create a task force to combat anti-Christian bias.

“Believing Americans are not a threat to our country. Faithful Americans are the soul of our country.” “One of the reasons we have so much crime is because you don’t have faith.

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