good news for WhatFor fans!

Photo credits: WhatFor cover

The show “Popstars” marked an entire generation. On M6, the tele-hook landed on September 20, 2001 with the mission of discovering the stars of tomorrow. And it must be admitted that in five seasons the program has made it possible to reveal the L5, who exploded with “All the women in your life”, but also Chimene Badiwithout forgetting M. Pokoraformer member of LinkUp and who has enjoyed continued success for over 20 years now, or Sheryfa Luna, seen in “Mask Singer” recently. Good news: “Popstars” will be making its big comeback on the Amazon Prime Video platform in September with Louane, Eddy de Pretto and Alonzo on the jury. So, what will be the new musical sensations this season? While waiting to find out, nostalgics have some good news: WhatFor’s only album is now available on streaming platforms!

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“Higher, yes higher”

Remember! During season 2 of “Popstars” in 2002, following the crazy success of L5, the jurors Valéry Zeitoun, Bruno Vandelli and Élisabeth Anaïs have the difficult task of forming a new group that will monopolize the top of the charts. Over the course of the episodes and the castings, they set their sights on the voices and personalities of Cyril, Nicolas, Erika and Monia to form the WhatFor. They were almost called Quadricolor, for those who remember this legendary sequence! The band therefore took its first steps in music with the hit “Plus Haut”, number one in the charts and which sold 600,000 copies, and thrilled fans with a first eponymous album which started strong but disappointed with only 400,000 sales. on the meter. The WhatFor will disband after this first and only album, and the cancellation of the tour following tensions between the members.

The most nostalgic were sorry because the WhatFor album was not available on streaming platforms, but the error has now been corrected! Indeed, 22 years later, listeners can recall memories and scream to the sound of “Plus Haut”, but also other titles from the record such as “L’amour n’a pas de loi!”, “L’amour n’a pas de loi!”, “L’amour n’a pas de loi!” ‘Adventure Begin’ or ‘Moonlight Rendezvous’. “ I just got 20 years in the face », « Oh damn it doesn’t make me any younger », « To think that I was a fan! », « I still have their CD » or « I couldn’t wait any longer! » can we read in the comments on X. Happy listening!



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