Legislative elections in the Hautes-Pyrénées: candidates from the second constituency speak out on purchasing power

Legislative elections in the Hautes-Pyrénées: candidates from the second constituency speak out on purchasing power
Legislative elections in the Hautes-Pyrénées: candidates from the second constituency speak out on purchasing power

Purchasing power tops the list of concerns for voters called to the polls on Sunday during the first round of the legislative elections. We asked candidates what their first step would be.

Skyrocketing bills, galloping inflation… The last two years have taken a toll on family budgets. Few sectors have escaped the waltz of labels.

In the energy sector, the price of electricity increased on February 1, 2024 by 8.6% for normal tariffs and by 9.8% for off-peak/peak tariffs… And this, while the tariff shield will stop.

Read also :
Legislative elections in the Hautes-Pyrénées: the candidates of the first constituency speak out on purchasing power

Another consequence, the domestic final consumption tax on electricity (TICFE) also increased before returning to normal in February 2025. Gas is not immune to the phenomenon of price variations. In 2022, households will experience a 25% increase in the average price of gas. Fuel prices remain high.

Increases which hit hard the populations who live in rural areas such as in the Hautes-Pyrénées and who are forced to use their car. Remember that these price increases were at the origin of the start of the Yellow Vest movement. As for inflation in stores, it hit food products hard before finally slowing down.

We asked the fifteen candidates for the legislative elections in the Hautes-Pyrénées what would be the first measure to implement to improve the purchasing power of Bigourdans.

Candidates for the second constituency

The candidates’ responses are presented in the order of display on the electoral panels resulting from a random draw.

Francois Meunier

Workers’ Struggle

François Meunier (LO).

Above all, we must raise wages. To live without worry, the minimum is to increase the minimum wage to €2,000 net. For that, we must take advantage of the enormous profits of the CAC 40 groups. And we must index wages to real prices controlled by employees and consumers. But no government will take such a measure because the real decision-makers are the leaders of capitalist groups, who will only give in to social mobilization, which we must prepare for now.

Jacques Behague

The Republicans

Jacques Behague (LR).

As LR elected officials, we will tackle the question of purchasing power at its root, that is to say the question of work to ensure that it pays better. The increase in household purchasing power requires reductions in taxes, charges and social security contributions to bring the net salary closer to the gross salary. We want work to pay more in our country. We must act on low salaries, those close to the minimum wage, so that work pays more than assistantship.

Jean-Marc Dabat

Let’s resist

Jean-Marc Dabat (Let’s resist).

A simple and quick measure to increase income and regain purchasing power: remove the CSG and CRDS levy on income of less than 2000 euros which would allow you to regain around €250 at the end of the month, reduce fuel by 40 cents/L and reduce employer charges. Ideas that can be implemented easily and quickly. The increase in the minimum wage would have negative consequences for the employer with repercussions on prices.

Benoit Mournet


Benoit Mournet (Renaissance).

First of all, work that pays and employment for all. We want to get employees off the minimum wage for more net pay and reduce expenses for the middle classes who are struggling to make ends meet. The end of the housing tax, the TV license fee and the reduction in IR already amounts to – €1,200/year. Electricity bills will drop by 15% this winter thanks to the European agreement. The same goes for school supplies thanks to group purchases. For our retirees, against false promises, we will continue to index pensions to inflation.

Denis Fégné

New Popular Front

Denis Fégné (New Popular Front).
DDM – T.J.

The only priority of a left-wing government must be, from the moment it is installed, to respond to the emergencies that are damaging the lives and confidence of the French, to put an end to the brutalization and mistreatment of the Macron years. We must immediately adopt disruptive actions to respond to the social emergency of the Country. This involves, for example, the repeal of the pension reform, unemployment insurance, increasing wages and the minimum contribution and of course reducing household bills.

Ali El Marsni

Without label

Ali El Marsni (SE).

The first measure to take to improve the purchasing power of the French would be to firmly attack big capital. This would allow a better distribution of wealth within the nation. All levels of society, including the working classes, would benefit equally. This change must be led by leaders without partisan affiliation to guarantee sincere and effective action, contrary to the broken promises of traditional parties.

Olivier Monteil

National Rally

Olivier Monteil (RN).

The first measure that I will take as an MP in favor of household purchasing power this summer will be the reduction in VAT from 20% to 5.5% on fuels and energy (electricity, gas, fuel oil, etc.). ). Indeed, in the rural world and in Hautes-Pyrénées in particular, mobility is an essential vector of social life, to take your children to school or high school, to go to the hospital or to work. Likewise, heating is not a luxury but a basic necessity!

Claude Alves da Cunha


Claude Alves da Cunha (Reconquête).

The priority for us is to reduce the taxes and charges that weigh heavily on the middle classes and workers. Significant reduction in income tax and social charges. Stimulate purchasing power and consumption through this very important means. Allow our companies to recruit and better pay workers, thus strengthening the national economy.



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