Barbara Pravi reveals a magnificent title about her roots

Barbara Pravi reveals a magnificent title about her roots
Barbara Pravi reveals a magnificent title about her roots
Photo credits: DR

Barbara Pravi writes the second chapter of her artistic career. Indeed, the singer will release her new album “La Pieva” on September 6. “ To make the second, I listened to my first album again to take stock of the situation, to look at what I could have done better. I hadn’t listened to it in a long time. (…). I was surprised at first, because I found him very subdued. And super special! At the time, I didn’t realize it » confided the interpreter of “Voilà” in an interview on Purecharts, before saying more about his sounds: “ I have one or two piano-vocals, I have some really electro stuff, other songs a little more rock. He is quite special but it is much more assumed. It’s funny, you know, Pravi, that’s not my real name, it’s Piévic. Before, I believed that Piévic and Pravi, it was important to dissociate the two. I’m trying to discover how to inhabit Barbara Pravi, it’s so weird but it’s true, digging into the roots of Barbara Pravi “.

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“There is only love that tells my story well”

Today, Barbara Pravi announces the release of her second album “La Pieva”, which will follow on “On n’en enclose pas les oiseaux”, released in 2021. Why this name? That means ” “the singer” or “the storyteller” in Serbian » : « This is the name given to my ancestor in 1750. She was a gypsy who wandered in the mountains between Bosnia and Serbia to sell her goods. In the evening, she stopped in the villages to rest. There by the fire, she sang and told stories to anyone who would listen. “. This nickname is therefore very important for Barbara Pravi, who returned to the origins for the creation of her 11 new songs, including the first single “Bravo”. “ Today, in the mountains, there is a village named after him. It still exists, and part of my family still lives there. At the end of a dirt path there is a cemetery and on each grave you can see my name written. Our name. The one my ancestors have worn for generations » confides the artist on Instagram, aware of perpetrating a legacy.

TO READ – “You live with your whole life”: Barbara Pravi victim of violence, her strong testimony

To accompany the pre-order of her album, Barbara Pravi offers the public a new song called “La Pieva (Chez moi)”. “ I come from everywhere, at home people sow, sow / They make seeds bloom so that they become life / I come from everywhere, at home people love each other, love each other / The differences are beautiful since I am in life » launches the singer on a bewitching and galvanizing melody, rocked by traditional gypsy instruments, evoking her family, her values, her memories and even her deceased grandfather. Stunning !



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