Diana Blois (Large families) withdraws her daughter Juliette from school before the end of classes

Today at 08:00 – by
Sorelle Again

On Thursday, June 27, when announcing the end of the school year for her little Juliette, Diana Blois received some warnings from Internet users.

In just a few days, the summer holidays will be kicking off. While all students are eagerly awaiting this moment, it’s a different story for parents. Indeed, many heads of household have to juggle their professional obligations with the daily presence of their children at home. Others, on the other hand, have taken a few days in the sun, or elsewhere… Indeed, the Fanichs have opted for a few days in the mountains with their nine children and the Blois, for their part, have planned to stay in a “quite famous city“, but which will only offer them rainy weather apparently.”We are going to discover and make little visits. It’s a pretty famous city. Even if it rains, we will bring sneakers and umbrellas. We will adapt“, confided Gérôme’s wife, Wednesday June 26, on Instagram.

Diana Blois (Large families): why did she take her daughter Juliette out of school earlier than planned?

This June 27 is a rather special day for Juliette Blois. As her mother announced, in an Instagram story, the little girl experienced her “last day of class” : “Tomorrow, [c’est] sortie [scolaire] and then, vacation!“However, this decision caused Internet users to react and some warned Diana:”Be careful that parents do not report you for having taken Juliette out of school before the real vacation date. The people are crazy.“The participant of the reality documentary then reassured her subscribers: “I’m not the type to do anything. No stress! The teachers have offered, by email, to parents who wish to withdraw their children from school early.

Diana Blois (Large families) recalls a shocking anecdote: “A viper had called Juliette’s school

If Internet users warned Diana, it’s because the mother had already found herself in a delicate situation of the same kind. In an Instagram story, Juliette’s mother recalled: “I already told you that a viper had pretended to be a social worker and had called Juliette’s school to find out if everything was going well for her. [Elle] had specified that Juliette did her homework in a hurry every morning on the stairs.” Fortunately, the “The director had noticed her behavior and calmed her down.“, Diana said. Before concluding: “Human stupidity has no limits!

Article written with the collaboration of 6Medias.

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