in Nice, despite calls to withdraw, a three-way race with Horizons and LFI for Éric Ciotti

in Nice, despite calls to withdraw, a three-way race with Horizons and LFI for Éric Ciotti
in Nice, despite calls to withdraw, a three-way race with Horizons and LFI for Éric Ciotti

Behind the outgoing MP, who came in first with 41% in the Nice constituency, Olivier Salerno of the New Popular Front and Graig Monetti, close to Christian Estrosi, decided to maintain their candidacy in the second round.

The Figaro Nice

The calls through the media to withdraw will have been useless, as will the negotiations, behind the scenes, since Monday morning. Arriving behind Éric Ciotti (41.04%), the Insoumis Olivier Salerno (26.62%) and the close friend of Christian Estrosi for Horizons, Graig Monetti (22.79%), have both decided to maintain their candidacy for the second round on Sunday. A three-way race that should make the task easier for the outgoing MP, elected in this 1re constituency of Alpes-Maritimes since 2007.

The possibility of a new duel with Graig Monetti, like in 2022, could have worried the “ciottistes” teams for a while. On Sunday evening, the identity of the second was eagerly awaited. It was only around 10:30 p.m. that Éric Ciotti returned to speak to congratulate himself on having arrived “well ahead”. With the Estrosist’s third place, there was little doubt that the latter would not withdraw his candidacy, as Prime Minister Gabriel Attal suggested. The mayor of Nice has been very firm with LFI recently, particularly on the Israeli-Palestinian issue, to which he is very attached. This is one of the points of no return.


The option of “unplugging” Olivier Salerno, despite his second place and his four-point lead, was therefore tested. Graig Monetti tried to swear that he was best placed to bring down Éric Ciotti, unlike the Insoumis, who he considered more divisive. On Monday morning, he announced his continued presence on his X account, before making a series of media appearances (BFM Nice Côte d’Azur, France 2, France 3, France bleu). “I am the most capable of bringing people together”he convinces himself. For his part, the representative of the New Popular Front also calls on him to drop the matter in the name “of the social Gaullism to which he constantly refers”. He will nevertheless only confirm his candidacy on Tuesday afternoon, three hours before the end of the submission period. A sign of reflection, which he indicates to the Figaro have been “the last to know”.

“It is going to be difficulthe conceives. But it was not possible to withdraw given the increase in recent years in Nice of the vote for a left of rupture.” He estimates that “Three-quarters of this constituency, apart from the city centre and the port, are working-class areas”. Concerning the maintenance of Craig Monetti, the Insoumis judges that “irresponsible”. “How can he justify himself? Additions are not done like that.”he gets annoyed.

We need to encourage something new (…) I want to activate a useful and massive vote

Graig Monetti, Horizons candidate in the 1st constituency of Alpes-Maritimes

In fourth place, the previously unknown candidate of the “historical channel” Republicans, Virgile Vanier-Guérin (5.78%), had very quickly called for support for Graig Monetti. As did the independent environmentalist, fifth, with his 2.81%. Transfers of votes that could benefit the Horizons candidate, without it being enough. But even with a view to a duel, many local observers, critical of his campaigning style, were skeptical about his chances of winning.

“We must encourage the unprecedentedconfides to the Figaro Graig Monetti after a long day in the field. With my new slogan, “Resistance,” I also call on left-wing voters, from communists to environmentalists, to support me. I want to activate a useful and massive vote.” The three candidates will meet again on Wednesday, on France 3, at 7:40 p.m. Éric Ciotti, who had refused a debate during the first round, has this time accepted.



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