Legislative elections 2024: discover the results of the 1st round in Haute-Garonne

Legislative elections 2024: discover the results of the 1st round in Haute-Garonne
Legislative elections 2024: discover the results of the 1st round in Haute-Garonne

More than 947,000 voters were called to the polls in Haute-Garonne this Sunday, June 30 for the first round of legislative elections anticipated 2024, after the announcement of the dissolution of the National Assembly by Emmanuel Macron on the evening of the European elections. Discover the results of the first round in the ten constituencies of Haute-Garonne.

Participation on the rise

Participation is increasing sharply in the department, as everywhere in France. It should exceed 65% at the national levelaccording to an Ipsos Talan estimate. A record since 1997.

The results of the 1st round

The results are displayed as they are validated by the Ministry of the Interior. Type it name of your municipality in the module below to find out the result of this first round of legislative elections in your country.


Find in the module below the result of this first round of legislative elections in the departmental constituencies upon their official validation.


The results map

The constituencies are displayed as the results are validated by the Ministry of the Interior.


Reminder of the voting rules

During legislative elections, deputies are elected by two-round majority vote. An absolute majority of votes cast and a number of votes equal to a quarter of registered voters must be obtained to be elected deputy in the first round.

To be able to stand in the second round, a candidate must have obtained a number of votes at least equal to 12.5% ​​of the number of registered voters in his constituency. If only one candidate succeeds, the candidate who came second in terms of number of votes can also remain. If no candidate reaches 12.5% ​​of the number of registered voters, only the two candidates who come first can remain in the second round.

To be elected as a deputy in the second round, the relative majority of votes is sufficient. The oldest candidate is elected in the event of a tie.



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