Moroccan agriculture and fishing on a charm mission in the Emirates, Qatar and Saudi Arabia – Maghreb Intelligence

Moroccan agriculture and fishing on a charm mission in the Emirates, Qatar and Saudi Arabia – Maghreb Intelligence
Moroccan agriculture and fishing on a charm mission in the Emirates, Qatar and Saudi Arabia – Maghreb Intelligence

The Moroccan fruit and vegetable, maritime fishing and agri-food sectors are preparing a major prospecting operation in the Middle East and more precisely in the United Arab Emirates, Qatar and Saudi Arabia, according to documents consulted by Maghreb-Intelligence .

This operation, in the form of a B to B mission, is coordinated by the Autonomous Establishment for the Control and Coordination of Exports (EACCE) which has just signed a service provider for the organization, support and facilitation of this mission on June 27.

Ultimately, the market was won by the Casablanca agency Aspen Com which will be paid 2.6 million dirhams while the initial estimates were of the order of 2.3 million DH.

Aspen Com, said to be close to the head of government, Aziz Akhannouch, has already won a similar contract with the National Agency for the Regulation of Activities Relating to Cannabis (ANRAC) for a raid trip which cost this new establishment 2,470. 000 dirhams.

This tour includes London with the “Cannabis Europa” fair, between June 25 and 26. In Canada, the agency headed by former governor Mohamed El Guerrouj will take part in the “Montreal Cannabis Expo” which will take place on September 18 and 19 and finally, ANRAC will be present at the “Cannafest” which will be held from November 1 to 3 in Prague in the Czech Republic.



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