curtain raiser on the next cultural season of La Coursive

curtain raiser on the next cultural season of La Coursive
curtain raiser on the next cultural season of La Coursive

LThe good news is that La Coursive welcomed 92,000 spectators this year, a very respectable return to normal, which places it among the most popular national stages in a network that includes more than 70 in France. Three-quarters of the shows were sold out and the number of members stands at 10,402. Among the less good news is that in these financially uncertain times, when aid is sometimes reduced and the cost of charges is exploding, its director Franck Becker had to make a decision and make do with less.

From 77 shows, we will therefore go to 67 for the coming season. And there will only be two co-productions (compared to 4 or 5 usually). That’s the downside. For now, the national scene has just unveiled its new season which will enchant the faithful and will arouse the curiosity of newcomers. “We had two priorities: aesthetic diversity and offering 50% of discoveries”, summarized its director.

Actress Jeanne Balibar will be in “Quixote,” a revisited version of Cervantes’ novel, on March 25 and 26, 2025, at La Coursive.


“Hecuba, not Hecuba” by Tiago Rodrigues, currently playing at the Avignon Festival, will be on stage at La Coursive on January 29 and 30, 2025.

Christophe Raynaud de Lage

Cervantes and Euripides

In the theater section, actress Jeanne Balibar will be in “Quichotte” in a free variation of the famous novel by Cervantes (March 25 and 26, 2025), Catherine Hiegel will play a moving old lady who is losing her memory, in the adaptation of “Gratitudes” by Delphine de Vigan (December 3 to 6, 2024), and Tiago Rodriguez, current head of the Avignon Festival, will direct the troupe of the Comédie Française in “Hécube, pas Hécube” adapted from the play by Euripides (January 29 and 30, 2025).

They will be on the stage of La Coursive for the first time: the actress Camille Cottin in “Le Rendez-Vous”, a crazy and even disturbing monologue on the journey of a young German woman about to become a circumcised Jew… (February 10 and 11) or the comedian Panayotis Pascot (May 24, 2024). The La Rochelle audience will also find other big names in directing, loyal to La Coursive, like Joël Pommerat and Mohamed El Khatib with a play dedicated to stand-up. On the classical music side, the Bordeaux Aquitaine national orchestra will play at the grand theater on October 4 and the Radio France Choir will perform a special Christmas repertoire on December 13.

“Requiem(s)” by Preljocaj will be on stage at La Coursive on November 20 and 21.

Didier Philispart

Neige by Pauline Bureau, show for young audiences, April 3 and 4, 2025 at La Coursive.

Christophe Raynaud de Lage

Hip-hop and young audiences

On the programmer’s recommendation, we won’t miss “Requiem(s)” by the essential Angelin Preljocaj, for 19 dancers, on November 20 and 21, nor “Portrait”, a new creation by the rising hip-hop choreographer Mehdi Kerkouche (January 6 and 7, 2025). The public should be enthusiastic about “Malon” by the Ballet de Lorraine (February 13 and 14) and will finally be able to see “Blizzard” by the Canadians of the Flip Fabrique, a show canceled due to a strike last winter. The Rochelais of Sina Qua Non art will present their new creation “Catching Lion Needs a Thousand Dogs” on January 21.

Finally, La Coursive does not forget the young audience who will be able to applaud “Neige” by Pauline Bureau (April 3 and 4, 2025) and “Théorème du pissenlit” by the Tréteaux de France (February 19, 2025).

A small first: there will be a special public presentation for families and cinema on Sunday, September 8, at 11 a.m., with the screening of a film. The traditional public presentation is scheduled for Tuesday, September 3 at 7 p.m., in the main hall.

Reopening of reception: Tuesday, August 20 at 2 p.m. The full program on



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