Legislative elections in the Rhône: here are the results of the first round in your constituency

Legislative elections in the Rhône: here are the results of the first round in your constituency
Legislative elections in the Rhône: here are the results of the first round in your constituency


Theophile Blondet

Published on

June 30, 2024 at 6:45 p.m.

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Following Emmanuel Macron’s decision to dissolve the National Assembly, the French were once again called to the polls this Sunday, June 30, 2024. And the results in all the constituencies of the Rhône and Lyon are known.

Throughout the evening this Sunday, follow the publication of the results from 8 p.m.. The results arrive gradually and are updated by the editorial staff.

Here are the details of the results in each of the 14 districts of the Rhône.

1st constituency of the Rhône

It brings together the 5th arrondissement of Lyon and several parts of the 2nd, 7th, 8th and 9th arrondissements. The candidates:

  • Thomas Rudigoz, the outgoing deputy (Renaissance) reinvested
  • Laurent Mouton, invested by the National Rally
  • Anaïs Belouassa Cherifi, LFI candidate supported by the Popular Front
  • Grégory Sansoz, invested by Les Républicains
  • Brandon Alves (Reconquest)
  • Jim Bugni (LO, Workers’ Struggle)
  • Ivanka Lopouchansky
  • Anne Thiriat
  • Guillaume Eymeric

2nd constituency of the Rhône

It includes the 1st and 4th arrondissements and part of the 2nd and 9th.

  • Boris Tavernier (VRAC association, civil society), invested by the Popular Front
  • Anaëlle Bisleau, National Rally candidate
  • Maryll Guilloteau, Republican candidate
  • Nizar Touihri
  • Pascal Coulan
  • Loïc Terrenes (Renaissance)
  • Anthony Bruno
  • Delphine Briday (LO)
  • Michael Jouteux
  • Vanessa Etenne (Reconquest)
  • Karim Mahmoud-Vintam

3rd constituency of the Rhône

Part of the 3rd, 7th and 8th arrondissements of Lyon.

  • Marie-Charlotte Garin, outgoing Nupes MP and environmentalist supported by the Popular Front
  • Béatrice de Montille, invested by Les Républicains
  • Clotilde Morin, National Rally candidate
  • Clara Eynault-Lassalle, Renaissance candidate
  • Jean-Noël Dudukdjian, LO
  • Marc Chinal
  • Eric Lafond
  • Anaïs Barrallon
  • Marie Rilly (Reconquest)
  • Leo Bourret

4th constituency of the Rhône

It includes the 6th arrondissement of Lyon and areas of the 3rd and 8th.

  • Anne Brugnera (outgoing Renaissance MP)
  • Yannick Chaumont, invested by the National Rally
  • Sandrine Runel, PS candidate supported by the Popular Front
  • Romain Billard, candidate nominated by Les Républicains
  • Coralie Laurent (LO)
  • Tristan His
  • Julien Quevy
  • Juliette Well
  • Armande Torrent (Reconquest)
Videos: currently on -

5th constituency of the Rhône

25 municipalities in the cantons of Caluire-et-Cuire, Limonest, Neuville-sur-Saône.

  • Blandine Brocard, outgoing Modem MP supported by Renaissance
  • Sasha Bitoum, invested by the National Rally
  • Fabrice Matteuci, Socialist Party supported by the Popular Front
  • Bastien Joint, candidate invested by the Republicans
  • Helene River (LO)
  • Mathieu Bazin (Reconquest)

6th constituency of Rhône


  • Gabriel Amard, outgoing LFI deputy supported by the Popular Front
  • Délia Agus, invested by the National Rally
  • Marc Fraysse, invested by the Republicans
  • Jean-Paul Bret, former mayor of Villeurbanne, diverse left candidate
  • Joseph Basilien
  • Today Kekely Lawson Doubt
  • Raphaëlle Mizony (NPA)
  • Nadia Bouhami (LO)

7th constituency of the Rhône

Bron, Rillieux-la-Pape, Vaulx-en-Velin, Sathonay-Village, Sathonay-Camp.

  • Alexandre Vincendet, outgoing MP (Horizons) supported by Renaissance
  • Abdelkader Lahmar, LFI candidate supported by France Insoumise
  • Cédric Pignal, candidate RN
  • Myriam Fontaine, invested by the Republicans
  • Régine Benon (Reconquest)
  • Thomas Spreux (LO)

8th constituency of the Rhône

77 municipalities in several cantons (Tarare, Champagne-au-Mont-d’Or, Dardilly, La Tour-de-Salvagny and Ecully)

  • Nathalie Serre, outgoing LR MP. She opposes any alliance with the RN
  • Jonathan Géry, invested by the National Rally
  • Anne Reymbaut, Socialist Party, supported by the Popular Front
  • Tristan Teyssier (LO)
  • Xavier Fourboul (Reconquest)

9th constituency of the Rhône

Cantons of Anse, Beaujeu, Belleville, Monsols, Villefranche-sur-Saône.

  • Alexandre Portier, outgoing LR MP who opposes any alliance with the National Rally
  • Antoine Laurent, Renaissance candidate
  • Jean-Henri Soumireu, Socialist Party, supported by the Popular Front
  • Damien d’Autryve
  • Chantal Helly (LO)
  • Patrick Louis of the Reconquest party supported by the National Rally

10th constituency of the Rhône

Cantons of Saint-Genis-Laval, Saint-Laurent-de-Chamousset, Saint-Symphorien-sur-Coise and Vaugneray

  • Thomas Gassilloud, outgoing Renaissance deputy reinvested by the party
  • Florence Perrin, Socialist Party, supported by the Popular Front
  • Cécile Patout, invested by the National Rally
  • Sophie Cruz, invested by Les Républicains
  • Irène Berenyi Geley (Reconquest)
  • David HornusGilles Bompard (LO)

11th constituency of Rhône

Cantons of Condrieu, Givors, Mornant, Saint-Symphorien-d’Ozon.

  • Jean-Luc Fugit, outgoing Renaissance MP
  • Alexandre Humbert Dupalais, candidat issue de LR alliance Eric
  • Ciotti, supported by the RN
  • Abdel Yousfi, Communist Party candidate supported by the Popular Front
  • Cindy Ferro, invested by the Republicans
  • Isabelle Browning (LO)
  • Sophie Spennato

12th constituency of Rhône

It brings together the municipalities of Charly, Tassin-la-Demi-Lune, Francheville, Sainte-Foy-lès-Lyon, La Mulatière, Pierre-Bénite, Irigny, Oullins and Vernaison.

  • Cyrille Isaac-Sibille, outgoing Modem deputy candidate for re-election but not yet invested by Renaissance
  • Lucie Morel-Durand (environmentalist) invested by the Popular Front
  • Pascal Charmot, mayor (LR) of Tassin-la-Demi-Lune
  • Clémence Luisier, invested by the National Rally
  • Noémie Gallice (Reconquest)
  • Cecile Faurite (LO)

13th constituency of the Rhône

Meyzieu, Décines-Charpieu, Chassieu, Jonage, the eastern part of Saint-Priest, Saint-Bonnet-de Mure, Saint-Laurent-de Mure, Jons, Genas, Pusignan and Colombier-Saugnieu.

  • Sarah Tanzilli, outgoing Renaissance MP reinvested by the party
  • Tiffany Joncour, RN departmental delegate invested by her party
  • Philippe Meunier, Les Républicains candidate
  • Michel Piot (LO)
  • Patrick Biaut
  • Océane Gigarel (Reconquest)
  • Didier Barthes

14th constituency of Rhône

Vénissieux, Corbas, Feyzin, Saint-Fons, Solaize, Saint-Priest west.

  • Idir Boumertit, outgoing MP (LFI) supported by the Popular Front
  • Cédric Mermet, invested by the National Rally
  • Ludovic Almeras, invested by Renaissance
  • David Mazzone, invested by Les Républicains
  • Olivier Minoux (LO)
  • Blandine Riha (Reconquest)

All results by municipality and constituency live from 8 p.m. on Lyon news et elections.-.fr

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