In Niort, Claude, 70, wants to market his “universal and simple” brush cutter head

In Niort, Claude, 70, wants to market his “universal and simple” brush cutter head
In Niort, Claude, 70, wants to market his “universal and simple” brush cutter head

Claude Leroux is not giving up. His invention, the one he had the prototype printed in 3D, could seduce people. His universal thermal brush cutter head is incredibly simple, he believes, with no mechanical parts, and which allows the use of all wire diameters. At 70, he is ready to market it.

“Last summer I sold some for €600.”

“I created this head in the early 2000s. But my company went bankrupt.”, he says. Stories between associates, he limits himself to explaining. He was still a winner of the Masters of Business Creation in 2002, awarded by the Salon des Entrepreneurs and the Confederation of Small and Medium Enterprises (CPME). “I had some left in the cellar. I found them again and had a stand at a fair last summer. I sold it for €600. » Reinvigorated, supported by acquaintances and friends, he is therefore relaunching his business. “With a website, you can reach a lot of people”he explains.

Why now? Encounters that have already pushed him, and then the desire to put a little butter in his spinach. “With small pensions, we can’t live. I’m not doing this to become a millionaire, but if it can improve the quality of life.” He begins to dream a little, a partnership with a large distribution chain which would allow him to sell stock, for example… With a prototype printed at Pacific 3D, in Niort, he is ready to convince.

The patent is not easy

But what is holding him back are the steps to be taken. An appointment at the bank to set up a company account. The sums requested for advice on intellectual property, too. “Filing a patent is not easy at all”he laments. “There are plenty of people who have ideas, supports Yoan Sohas, who printed the first piece. But they don’t always know who to turn to.”

Claude Leroux is ready to get started, accompanied by Marveen Chasseriaud for the marketing side. His company should soon be created, under the name Distriprod LC. He will then need a company that will allow him to manufacture his parts in large quantities. “We will arrive a little late for the season. But we will be ready for next year”he smiled.



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