Lunel Agglo draws a positive assessment of its household waste management

Lunel Agglo draws a positive assessment of its household waste management
Lunel Agglo draws a positive assessment of its household waste management

The elected officials met at Entre-Vignes for a final session before the truce.

We do not know whether it is the approach of the summer holidays which has thinned out the ranks of the intercommunal delegates or the imminence of the first round of an anxiety-provoking election, but the final community council which took place this Friday evening at the Vérargues multi-purpose hall was depressingly calm.

A 2023 activity report without comment

The thirty questions on the agenda were examined in less than 2 hours 30 minutes and the few important points, in particular the annual reports of the intercommunality and the waste service, such as financial questions, hardly made a difference. debate. Finally, in terms of the 2023 activity report of what was still the community of communes of Pays de Lunel, only President Pierre Soujol commented on the exercise.
After a summary presented, for the first time, in the form of a video full of figures, the elected official finally highlighted “healthy and prudent management that allows us to prepare for the future” without being contested. Pierre Soujol also highlighted some of the highlights of the year: move to Agglo, launch of the Dardaillon ZAE, the Maison de l’Économie, etc.

The test on biowaste is positive

Other satisfactions were highlighted by the reports concerning waste management. Fabrice Fenoy, Deputy Vice-President, described “very positive, the biowaste collection tests which concern 337 households since September 19, 2023 and have made it possible to divert 4.5 tonnes to incineration, or 28 kg per year and per inhabitant out of the 234 kg produced.”
That’s not all, Fabrice Fenoy also announced the drop of 600 tonnes in the volume of waste produced in 2023 (12,179 t) compared to 2022. Each inhabitant produced 305.24 kg of waste in 2023, a drop of 4.7%. And, to top it all off, the elected official indicated that the flow of waste into recycling centers has also fallen. “ Prevention policies work »estimated the mayor of Lunel-Viel while calling for “a confirmation in 2024” because in 2023, overall household consumption fell with inflation.

The level of the garbage collection tax is debated

Following a question from Claude Chabert (RN) on the collection of biowaste, Fabrice Fenoy announced the objective of opening 6 composting points on the outskirts of the urban center of Lunel compared to 3 currently (Hugo park, train station and Pont de Vesse).
However, a debate emerged, mainly between Cyril Barbato (BVL) and the vice-president responsible for waste on the household waste collection tax. The opposition elected official in Lunel proposed blocking the rate to “reward people who make sorting and composting efforts. » But Fabrice Fenoy retorted on the one hand that the Agglo was one of the few in France to have opted for a sorting incentive share rate which almost reached the legal maximum possible (42% against 45) and he especially insisted on the fact that the rate in Lunel Agglo is well below the average rate in Hérault (€128 compared to €184) and even in the region (€150).



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