Direct. Legislative elections 2024: participation rate up sharply in Ille-et-Vilaine and Fougères

Direct. Legislative elections 2024: participation rate up sharply in Ille-et-Vilaine and Fougères
Direct. Legislative elections 2024: participation rate up sharply in Ille-et-Vilaine and Fougères


Manuel Rodríguez

Published on

June 30, 2024 at 12:16 p.m.
; updated June 30, 2024 at 1:16 p.m.

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Let’s go for the first round of the legislative elections anticipated 2024. In the 6e circonscription d’Ille-et-Vilainethat of Fernssix candidates are in the running.

The results will be available here from 8 p.m.

Participation rate up sharply

12h45. Elsa Lafayecandidate of the New Popular Front, voted for office number 3, in the Madeleine school in Fougères.

Elsa Lafaye voted at the Madeleine school in Fougères. ©The Republican Chronicle / Manuel Rodriguez

12h30. “We vote in every election but this one is more important than the others. We have never known a situation the same,” declare Colette, Odile and Jean-Charles in Lécousse. “The situation is not great. We would not have never thought that Emmanuel Macron would dissolve the Assembly like that,” adds Colette.

12h05. The first participation figures are in. At 12 noon, the rate of participation in the department of Ille-et-Vilaine stands at 22.12% (16.43% in 2022). In Fougères, the figure is even more impressive with 32.8% of voters at nooncompared to 20.8% in 2022.

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A couple encountered at the exit of the Madeleine polling station in Fougères confirms:

It took us longer than usual to vote. We have the feeling that there are more people. Now, let’s see how the votes of the former abstainers will be distributed.

A couple in a polling station in Fougères

At the polling station of Raoul II schoolrue de Rillé, the assessors confirm that participation is much higher high than during the European elections on June 9. The voters succeeded all morning without discontinue in this office.

In 2022, at the end of the first round, participation amounted to 52.08%. Less than in 2017 (54.97%) and very far from 2012 (61.01%). What will happen this evening? Response around 6:30 p.m.

11:50 a.m. Cry Marion voted. The candidate of National Rally submitted his ballot in an office in Saint-Etienne-en-Coglès, commune of Maen Roch, where he lives.

Tangi Marion voted in Saint-Etienne-en-Coglès. ©The Republican Chronicle / Béatrice Breux

8h. Polling stations have opened in the 6th district.

Six candidates, six cantons, 90,000 voters

Thierry Benoit, the outgoing MP (Horizons, presidential majority) is represented. Facing him, Elsa Lafaye (New Popular Front), Crying Marion (National gatheringl), Ludovic Hubert (Workers’ struggle), Gilliatt de Staërck (Pole of communist revival in France) and Pascal Thévenet (Let’s resist !).

As everywhere in Ille-et-Vilaine, except in Rennes and Saint-Jacques-de-la-Lande, the polling stations opened at 8am. They are open until 6pm.

Six candidates are running in the 6th constituency of Ille-et-Vilaine. ©La Chronique républicaine / Manuel Rodriguez

Important reminder: a voter card is not required to vote; on the other hand, it is necessary to present a ID currently valid.

The 6the constituency corresponds, approximately, to the north-eastern quarter of the department of Ille-et-Vilaine.

It includes the cantons of Val-Couesnon, Fougères 1 and 2, Louvigné-du-Désert, Pleine-Fougères (up to Roz-sur-Couesnon), Saint-Aubin-d’Aubigné (with Melesse and its more than 6,000 inhabitants), Saint-Aubin-du-Cormier and Maen Roch.

In total, it has 90,575 voters.

Record number of proxies in Fougères

In Fougères, the “central” town of this constituency, fifteen polling stations are waiting for 13,110 voters registered on the electoral lists.

With, undoubtedly, a strong rate of participation. In any case, it will be higher than Europeans (51.16%). A clue ? Friday, the municipality had received 600 proxies. A record.

In polling station no. 14 (La Forairie) in Fougères, around a hundred people had voted before 10 a.m. ©La Chronique républicaine / Manuel Rodriguez

Thierry Benoit hands down in 2022

Two years ago, during the legislative elections which followed the presidential election, Thierry Benoit won the duel which opposed him to Hélène Mocquard in the second round.

Supported by the presidential majority, the incumbent had largely dominated his competitor from the New Popular Ecological and Social Union (Nupes): 61.69% of the votes against 38.31%.

An unsurprising result. In the first round, Thierry Benoit came well ahead with 46.88% and more than 10,000 votes ahead of the finalist.

RN in the lead in the European elections

The last elections to date, The Europeans, gave a completely different result. In Fougères, the RN led by Jordan Bardellacame in first with 24.84% of the vote. He was ahead of Valerie Hayer of the presidential majority (21.47%) and the socialist Raphael Glucksmann (16,43%).

Although it is not comparable to the Legislative elections (List, proportional, in one round), this election shows a strong push for thefar right in Fougères (28.86% with the reinforcement of the votes of Eric Zemmour).

A score nevertheless lower than the left block which has united under the banner of the New Popular Front since the announcement of the dissolution: 32.97% if we combine the results of the Socialist Party, France Insoumise, the ecologists and the communists.

The presidential majority (21.47%) remains far behind even if it can hope to recover a few votes from the Republican right (7.83%). Just like the extreme right, moreover.

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