Daily | Cereals – Soft wheat prices rebound sharply, reaching €230/t spot on Euronext

Daily | Cereals – Soft wheat prices rebound sharply, reaching €230/t spot on Euronext
Daily | Cereals – Soft wheat prices rebound sharply, reaching €230/t spot on Euronext

THE prix soft wheat on Euronext and the walk physique French stocks rose between the sessions of June 28 and July 1, due totechnical purchases and concerns about the harvest French. Those of fodder barley naturally followed, as did those of corn, but to a lesser extent.

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The harvests ofbarley are advancing in France, and the results remain disappointing, worrying operators about the harvest of wheat.

In Russia, the export taxes on the wheat have been lowered, which could accelerate the exports local, and weigh on international values. In addition, a private analyst indicates that a meeting between Turkish and Russian authorities should take place on July 3 or 4 to find out whether the Russians can be exempted from the ban on imports of wheat imposed by Turkey.
The harvest of soft winter wheat in UNITED STATES is progressing well, with 54% of plantings completed last week according to the USDA Crop Progress Report. Spring wheat growing conditions are improving, with 72% rated as “good to excellent,” compared to 71% last week.
US weekly export inspections last week came in within market expectations, at around 310,000 t, according to the USDA.

In butTHE growing conditions are deteriorating in the United States, rated “good to excellent” in 67% of cases. But this remains higher than last year at the same time. Harvests in Brazil are progressing well: it is 49% complete in the Centre-South region of the country, compared to 16% last year at the same time, according to the analyst AgRural.
US weekly export inspections came in last week in line with market expectations, at nearly 820,000 t, according to the USDA.

Commerce international :

  • United States, wheat, weekly export inspections : 309,775 t last week (source: USDA);
  • United States, wheat, weekly export inspections : 819,577 t last week (source: USDA).
  • Saudi Arabia, soft wheat, purchase : 235,000 t of hard wheat at $259.75-266/t C&F, delivery September-October (source: private).

French physical markets from July 1, 2024 (July basis for cereals)

Soft wheat Specifications Due date euro/t Variation
Dunkirk Rendering 220/11 miller Harvest 2024 Jul-Sep 222,50 N
Returned to La Pallice 76/220/11 Harvest 2024 Jul-Sep 224,50 N
Returned to Rouen 76/220/11 Harvest 2024 Jul-Sep 224,00 N
Pontivy/Guingamp Rendering fodder 74 kg/hl base, 72 kg/hl mini Harvest 2024 Jul-Sep 222,00 N
Fob Moselle miller Harvest 2024 Jul-Sep 212,00 N
Fob Rouen FC Superior A2 class 1 majo. included Harvest 2024 jul. 224,50 N
FC Medium A3 class 2 upgrades included Harvest 2024 jul. inc.
Fob The Pallice FA Superior A2 class 1 upgrades included Harvest 2024 jul. inc.
Departure Marne BPMF 220 Hagberg Harvest 2024 Jul-Dec 223,00 N
Departure Eure/Eure-et-Loir BPMF 76 kg/hl Harvest 2024 Jul-Sep 215,00 N
Departure South-East miller Harvest 2024 Jul-Sep 230,00 N
Durum wheat Specifications Due date euro/t Variation
Returned to Port-la-Nouvelle semolina standards Harvest 2024 Jul-Sep 300,00 N
Departure Eure/Eure-et-Loir semolina standards Harvest 2024 Jul-Sep 300,00 N
Departure South-East semolina standards Harvest 2024 Jul-Sep 310,00 N
But Specifications Due date euro/t Variation
Bordeaux Rendering Harvest 2023 Jul-Sep 197,50 N 2,50
Returned to La Pallice Harvest 2023 Jul-Sep 199,50 N
Pontivy/Guingamp Rendering Harvest 2023 Jul-Sep 218,50 N
Fob Bordeaux Harvest 2023 Jul-Sep 201,50 N
Fob Rhin Harvest 2023 Jul-Sep 207,00 N
Harvest 2024 Jan-June 204,00 N
Departure South-East Harvest 2023 July-August 200,00 N
Forage barley Specifications Due date euro/t Variation
Returned to Rouen 62-63 kg/hl Harvest 2024 Jul-Sep 198,00 N 5,00
Pontivy/Guingamp Rendering 63 kg/hl mini Harvest 2024 Jul-Sep 204,50 N
Fob Moselle unlimited orgettes 61/62 kg/hl Harvest 2024 Jul-Sep 182,00 N
Departure Eure/Eure-et-Loir 63 kg/hl mini Harvest 2024 Jul-Sep 181,00 N
Departure South-East 62/63 kg/hl Harvest 2024 Jul-Sep 195,00 N
Brewing barley – Winter 6 rows Specifications Due date euro/t Variation
Fob Creil Faro 11.5% max Port 500 t Harvest 2024 oct.-mars 230,00-233,00 N
Brewing barley – Spring Specifications Due date euro/t Variation
Fob Creil Planet 11.5% max Port 500 t Harvest 2024 oct.-mars 248,00-250,00 N

Milling output quotes from June 25, 2024

Its fine soft wheat Specifications Due date euro/t Variation
Departure from Ile-de-France available. 129,00-131,00 T
pellets available. 139,00-141,00 T
Semi-white remoulding Specifications Due date euro/t Variation
Departure from Ile-de-France available. 164,00-166,00 T
Low flour Specifications Due date euro/t Variation
Departure from Ile-de-France available. 219,00-221,00 T

Commercial quotations of dairy products for June 27, 2024

Milk powder Specifications Due date euro/t Variation
NBPL departure at 30 days 5% H BT bulk available. 2410,00 T
Whey Powder Specifications Due date euro/t Variation
NBPL departure at 30 days, BILA pH 6 bulk available. 645,00 T

Dollar / euro evolution from July 1, 2024

Devise Closing value
1 dollar US 0,9307 euro
1 euro 1,0745 dollar

Chicago Futures Market Closes July 1, 2024

Raw materials Fence Chicago
Wheat 569,25 cents/wood.
But 398,25 cents/wood.
Ethanol 2,161 $/gallon

Closing of the Euronext futures market on July 1, 2024

Milling wheat (Euronext)
Due date Fence
Sept. 2024 230,25
Dec. 2024 237,25
Mars 2025 240,50
Volume 93856
Corn (Euronext)
Due date Fence
August 2024 210,25
Nov. 2024 206,00
Mars 2025 209,50
Volume 1844

International market quotes from July 1, 2024

Energy Due date Closing value
Oil (Nymex) August 2024 83,38 $
Maritime freight indices from July 1st Variation
Baltic Dry Index (BDI) 2158 108,00
Baltic Panamax Index (BPI) 1662 -5,00
Baltic Capesize Index (BCI) 3791 348,00
Baltic Supramax Index (BSI) 1369 -16,00
Baltic Handysize Index (BHSI) 762 -1,00


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