Hubert de Jenlis accumulates nearly 200,000 euros in salary and compensation at taxpayers’ expense

Hubert de Jenlis accumulates nearly 200,000 euros in salary and compensation at taxpayers’ expense
Hubert de Jenlis accumulates nearly 200,000 euros in salary and compensation at taxpayers’ expense

While he came third in the second constituency of the Somme behind the far-right candidate and Zahia Hamdane (LFI/NFP), Hubert de Jenlis not only accumulates bad postures and mandates but also the inherent compensation; a financial opportunism which leaves little doubt about the intentions of the Macronist candidate for deputy.

Hubert de Jenlis accumulates nearly 200,000 euros in income and compensation depending on the year. A financial opportunism that leaves little room for doubt as to his ambitions to become a deputy. (Photo DR/FB)

Hubert de Jenlis (Together) accumulates more than 126,600 euros in salaries gross annual income (i.e. net 98,750 euros) as an insurer and manages around ten Civil Real Estate Companies of which he only declares 6149 euros. He is part of about ten other SCIs of which he is only a shareholder. The deputy for security in Amiens, also vice-president of the Somme departmental council, also receives compensation from the Somme Departmental Fire and Rescue Service (SDIS 80) between 2082 euros and 3263 euros (i.e. net from 1,624 euros to 2,545 euros in 2021 and 2022).

His statement to the High Authority for Transparency in Public Life is intriguing. Indeed, Hubert de Jenlis declared income for his insurance business only for the year 2020, while the insurance firm he has headed for over 30 years currently has between 6 and 9 employees. Partnering with, among others, a certain Of Francethe Macronist candidate has not since declared any income from this activity.

Regarding his elected representative’s allowances, Hubert de Jenlis is not to be outdone. The insurer and deputy mayor of Amiens, but also agglomeration councilor, is vice-president of the Somme departmental council alongside Stéphane Haussoulier taken into custody last April. The Departmental Council and also the SDIS80 had been searched by the gendarmerie. Placed under judicial supervision, the president of the department will be tried on October 1st by the Beauvais public prosecutor’s office for “misappropriation of public property, fraud by a person in a position of public authority, breach of trust, and money laundering of these offences, over a period from 2016 to the present day.”

So between 2017 and 2021, Hubert de Jenlis declares having received as departmental advisor and vice-president of the department between 44,092 euros and 28,874 euros gross annual salary (between 34,392 euros and 20,962 euros net) each year in addition to his personal income. These allowances from the Somme Departmental Council are added to those of deputy mayor. The Macronist candidate for these 2024 legislative elections supported by a large part of the local right declared 25 564 euros gross (19,440 euros net) in compensation as security assistant from July 2020 to October 2021. Also added to these compensations from the Departmental Council and the town hall of Amiens, 2597 euros (i.e. 2026 euros net) as advisor to Amiens Métropole, an urban area chaired by the president of Les Républicains Alain Gest and of which he is still a part despite his statements as evidenced by this screenshot from July 2, 2024.

According to statements by Amiens Métropole, Hubert de Jenlis holds more than 3 elected positions and would be a candidate for a fourth if the Macronist maintains his candidacy. Screenshot of this July 2, 2024 from the official website of the agglomeration.

The Amiens Macronist elected official thus totals according to his own declarations income and compensation of the amount of 198 253 euros depending on the year over 13 to 14 rolling months, 50% of which is at the taxpayer’s expense.

Find the full text of his statement dated July 2022



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