Results of the legislative elections in Grenoble: the 2024 election live

Results of the legislative elections in Grenoble: the 2024 election live
Results of the legislative elections in Grenoble: the 2024 election live

13:01 – Impact of demographic characteristics on the political landscape of Grenoble

The demographic and socio-economic factors of Grenoble highlight obvious trends likely to influence the outcome of the legislative elections. With a population density of 8,860 inhabitants/km² and a percentage of unemployed of 14.55%, the labor market and housing issues are predominant subjects. The significant percentage of executives and higher intellectual professions, reaching 30.27%, reveals a population with a high level of education. Furthermore, the presence of an immigrant population of 18.40% and a foreign population of 13.78% indicates issues of intercultural cohabitation. The student rate, estimated at 13.62% in Grenoble, highlights the presence of a young and dynamic population who care about access to employment after studies.

09:32 – Abstention forecasts for the legislative elections in Grenoble

What will happen to participation this June 30, 2024, during the first round of legislative elections in Grenoble (38000)? Two years ago, for the first round of the presidential election, the participation percentage reached 73.93% within the urban area. Participation was 68.06% in the second round, that is to say 58,928 people. As a reminder, in the agglomeration, participation in the 2022 legislative elections reached 51.79% in the first round and only 50.31% in the second round. The loss of purchasing power is able to strengthen the civic engagement of the citizens of Grenoble.

08:02 – The legislative elections in Grenoble are today

The opening hours of the 88 polling stations in Grenoble are as follows: from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. New legislative elections in Grenoble will be organized on Sundays June 30 and July 7, 2024 following Emmanuel Macron’s announcement having disrupted the electoral calendar. The last dissolution, in 1997, initiated by Jacques Chirac, resulted in cohabitation with Lionel Jospin. What consequences will these laws have? The choice between the candidates from the different political unions will be made in two rounds in Grenoble, as throughout France. To vote, it is necessary to be registered on the electoral roll and to provide proof of identity.



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