“We cannot agree to go into government if we cannot act,” says Marine Le Pen

“We cannot agree to go into government if we cannot act,” says Marine Le Pen
“We cannot agree to go into government if we cannot act,” says Marine Le Pen

Emmanuel Macron “is doing everything today to try to counter the democratic process”declared Marine Le Pen, this Tuesday on France Inter while the calls to block the RN multiply. The National Rally MP was elected in the 11th constituency of Pas-de-Calais in the first round of the legislative elections with 58% of the votes. Emmanuel Macron “considers, even if the people express themselves by sending a majority of RN deputies, preventing the RN from governing”adds Marine Le Pen.

According to Marine Le Pen, by declaring the dissolution of the National Assembly, Emmanuel Macron “has a democratic impulse”, but “he quickly recovered because today, he is doing everything to try to prevent, in reality, the people from being able to express themselves”, she says.

“We cannot agree to go to government if we cannot act”

Jordan Bardella does not plan to go to Matignon without an absolute majority. “We cannot agree to go to government if we cannot act”confirmed Marine Le Pen, this Tuesday on France Inter, while Jordan Bardella had declared before the first round that he would not go to Matignon without an absolute majority in the National Assembly. “If we cannot change the policy that is being pursued, if we cannot act, it would be the worst betrayal we could make to our voters.”believes Marine Le Pen.

The president of the RN, Jordan Bardella, had been accused “refusal of obstacle” by the presidential camp. “We want to govern, let’s be clear,” Marine Le Pen replies. She assures us that her party will convince the deputies “various right, various left, some Republicans” to try to obtain this majority if it was missing a few seats.

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“Withdrawal is the worst form of contempt for voters”

According to the outgoing president of the RN group in the National Assembly, “Withdrawal is the worst form of contempt for voters”. “My voters are intelligent and free,” said Marine Le Pen. According to her, the RN “is not withdrawing for candidates but is forming an electoral coalition.” “This election is an election for the emancipation of the French people”assures Marine Le Pen.

On the composition of the future government if Jordan Bardella becomes Prime Minister, she assures that she “is ready”. “This government will be complete, it will be competent, it will be made up of people from the National Rally, people who participated with us in the electoral fight and people from civil society”assures Marine Le Pen. She also announces that she will not be part of this government. “This absolute majority is feasible”according to her. “I will not be president of the National Assembly, I will be at the head of the group of deputies.”

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Marine Le Pen assures that she is “absolutely on the same line” with Jordan Bardella. “Tomorrow he will be completely free in the way he leads the government.” RN MP hopes for presidential election “as soon as possible”. “If he decides to resign we will go into this presidential battle with great enthusiasm”, assures Marine Le Pen.

“An administrative coup”

The leader of the National Rally suspects “an administrative coup” from Emmanuel Macron, referring to a “rumor” according to which Emmanuel Macron would favor express appointments to various key state positions: “The President of the Republic would consider tomorrow, that is to say four days before the second round, appointing the director general of the national police, while he was supposed to stay until the end of the Olympic Games, and the director of the national gendarmerie and dozens of prefects, and a whole series of people whose objective would be to block, to prevent in reality Jordan Bardella from governing the country”she denounced.

Marine Le Pen points out that last Wednesday, “There were a huge number of appointments made, much more than at a traditional Council of Ministers.” On the proposal of the Ministry of the Armed Forces, General Bellanger was appointed Chief of Staff of the Air and Space Force and Admiral Vandier Supreme Allied Commander for Transformation at NATO, in particular. “When you want to counter the result of the elections by appointing your own people so that they prevent you from being able to lead the policy that the French want, I call that an administrative coup d’état. I hope that this is only a rumor, which is possible.”she says.

The RN leader plans to reverse these appointments “if possible” “to be able to govern”She denounces the method: “For people who give lessons in democracy to the whole world, I find it quite astonishing to act in this way. In these cases, it was not necessary to dissolve.”she said.

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“It is necessary to have the legitimacy of a presidential election to initiate the process which would aim to put in place the law against Islamist ideologies of which the veil is only a very small part,” says Marine Le Pen about her proposal to ban the veil in public spaces with a fine attached, she says.

On the controversy surrounding the RN’s announcement to ban dual nationals from certain strategic positions. “It’s a list of about thirty positions, it’s ridiculous”sweeps Marine Le Pen aside.

“We believe that in a large democracy the state cannot have control over part of the media.”says Marine Le Pen, on the RN’s desire to privatize public broadcasting.

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