Army strengthens security around islets claimed by Morocco

Army strengthens security around islets claimed by Morocco
Army strengthens security around islets claimed by Morocco

The Spanish Ministry of Defense plans to equip the islands in the Mediterranean, claimed by Morocco, with new aerial beacon and strategic satellite communication systems, reports OK Diario.

This program, worth around 600,000 euros, will ensure that military units deployed in Vélez de la Gomera, Alhucemas and Chafarinas considerably improve their capabilities, welcomes the media close to the extreme right.

Strengthening the security of the islands and enclaves of Ceuta and Melilla is part of a vast plan, launched towards the end of 2022 by the left-wing coalition government. The following year, the executive of Pedro Sanchez increased the budget allocated to securing these territories.

After the Morocco-Spain high-level meeting, held on February 1 and 2, 2023 in Rabat, the Spanish Ministry of Defense spent 144,230 euros for the renovation of communication systems and radars installed in these areas compared to only 90,000 euros. in 2022.

These efforts come after NATO refused to include Ceuta and Melilla, as well as the islets in the Mediterranean claimed by Morocco, in its protection zone at its June 2022 summit in Madrid. The creation of the Eastern Zone of the Royal Armed Forces (FAR) in January 2022 also contributed to the launch of this program to secure the islets, Ceuta and Melilla.



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