“A lot of joy”: drawn at random, she will attend the opening ceremony of the Paris Olympics for free

“A lot of joy”: drawn at random, she will attend the opening ceremony of the Paris Olympics for free
“A lot of joy”: drawn at random, she will attend the opening ceremony of the Paris Olympics for free


Augustin Delaporte

Published on

June 30, 2024 at 6:18 a.m.

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“If you want to do something, you either find a way or you find excuses. » On the storage unit which adjoins Fatima Mir’s office in the premises of Common Plain (Seine-Saint-Denis), this proverb is displayed in large letters. There is also an imposing canvas, a plant that Kamel, in charge of reception, asked her to “save”, and a machine that allows you to pedal while sitting in front of your computer.

The 49-year-old woman is part of that category of people who run around everywhere while remaining impeccable. All this, constantly with a smile on the corner of their lips. “I am one of those who find solutions, rather than complaining,” she says. “That’s also part of the sportsmanship.” A not-so-subtle nod to the fact that she was chosen at random to attend, free of charge, the opening ceremony the 2024 Olympic Games on July 26.

Rester positive

A historic moment thatshe approaches with desire. “As soon as people found out, I was immediately asked if I was worried about the security. But, in a way, I think I want to focus on the positive,” she asks.

And to make the link with the current context, a few days before the first round of early legislative elections where the National Rally (RN) is positioned high in the polls. “When I think of the Games, it brings to mind a lot of joy, excitement and a form of unity. All what we are missing right now. » Values ​​which also echo her education, she adds. “What stands out from my youth in La Courneuve is living together. That everyone has the right to be in their place. It runs in my blood. And, there again, there is a bridge to be made with team sports.”

It was therefore quite natural that she wanted to experience this day with her partner, Hedy, but especially with her 17-year-old daughter, Hind. “I don’t really know how to explain why, but we had to share this festive moment,” confides the Plaine Commune employee. And then sport, in my opinion, is part of education. This instills rules of life, it allows you to learn to socialize and be well balanced. »

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Like Fatima, Hedy and Hind, they are a little more than 46,000 inhabitants from Plaine Commune and its 9 cities to have received a free ticket for the Paris 2024 Olympic Games.

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