Armel Traoré said goodbye to ADA Blois and its supporters

Armel Traoré said goodbye to ADA Blois and its supporters
Armel Traoré said goodbye to ADA Blois and its supporters

Before living the American dream, Armel Traoré wanted to make one last stop in Blois. The 21-year-old winger, who signed a contract with the Los Angeles Lakers NBA franchise on Thursday, June 27, did not want to leave without saying goodbye and, above all, thank you. With the club, he had arranged to meet all the Blois supporters for a final friendly time at the ADA Blois headquarters on Saturday, June 29.

“It’s a collective success, for the club and for me”

Around a hundred supporters responded, as they did throughout the season, to celebrate Armel Traoré, the first ADA player to play in the NBA. “It was important to me that they all come, that’s why when the good news came and I said I was leaving tonight (this Saturday)I wanted to be there to say thank you to all the supporters”, explains the neo-Lakers.

Because Armel Traoré feels grateful. “The supporters have brought a lot this season, both in the highs and the lows, in the trips. They have always been there and it warms the heart. I wanted to be able to celebrate with them. It is a collective success, for the club and for me.”

To thank all the Blois fans, the winger, dressed in his ADA jersey, took the time to sign numerous autographs on photos, jerseys, caps – in the colors of Blois but also of the Lakers -, and to take just as many photos, with young and old.

The start of a long journey

Armel Traoré enjoyed this crowd bath, with a public he has been close to all season. All this under the protective gaze of his mother, Nolwenn, “master of clocks” this Saturday, as she says, making sure not to leave too late so as not to miss the plane to Los Angeles. A mother proud to see her son succeed: “Even when he was little, he told me that the NBA was not a dream but a goal. And he fought for this contract with his teeth, he’s a warrior, he gave so much.”.

Despite all the celebration and praise, the player is aware that he still has a long way to go. “It’s just happiness, it’s a blessing to have come this far. Afterwards, it’s just the beginning of a long journey. I’ve arrived, now the goal is to stay here and work hard.” Armel Traoré knows that he still has to prove himself. “I am ready to give the best of myself. »

Wearing the same jersey as Kobe Bryant

Even more so because the Los Angeles Lakers mean a lot to him. “It’s a legendary franchise. To be honest, I’ve always been a fan of Kobe (Bryant) so to be able to play in the franchise where he was a legend, it’s just a joy. » Armel Traoré will have the chance to meet and perhaps play with another legend: LeBron James. “Plus we play in the same winger position, I think he’ll be able to bring me a lot, he’s a basketball legend, it’s really cool. »

And what will he keep from the ADA? “Only good memories despite the complicated or doubtful moments, I only remember the positive and I am very grateful to everyone here. Everyone participated in my journey to the NBA, the best league in the world, and I will never forget.”

And Armel Traoré promises, this is not goodbye. “I wanted to say goodbye, although of course I will come back. »

Armel Traoré is the first ADA Blois player to sign an NBA contract.
© (Photo cor. NR, Aurat)



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