A postman from Olonzac says he was manipulated, he wanted to shoot swinger videos of his partner to broadcast them on the internet

A postman from Olonzac says he was manipulated, he wanted to shoot swinger videos of his partner to broadcast them on the internet
A postman from Olonzac says he was manipulated, he wanted to shoot swinger videos of his partner to broadcast them on the internet

A man, a postman by profession, living in Olonzac had to explain before the Béziers court why he had been violent with his partner who refused to make swinger videos. They were to be broadcast on the Internet. He was sentenced to eight months in prison with a two-year suspended probationary period.

Before the Béziers court, the defendant, aged around forty, is being prosecuted for cannabis use, but also for habitual domestic violence. In a civil partnership with his partner, he did not hesitate, very regularly, to beat her up. For her, it was slaps, kicks and punches. Crazy love…

“Yes, I hit him, he admits to the judges. I did it with her phone and it split her head open. I slapped her a few times, but I categorically deny breaking her tooth with a punch. I agree with the kicks on the ground and the slaps. But the last time, she had just told me she wanted to leave me. I couldn’t stand it. We had been together for nine years. Plus, I had just found out she was a prostitute. It made me feel sorry for her child. It was a toxic relationship, but I feel like I was manipulated.” He will not explain this point.

The victim’s different version

The victim does not give quite the same version during his hearing and it is the representative of the public prosecutor who reminds him of this. “He knew she was an escort. That she was a prostitute. He wanted to make her make a swingers video with several partners to broadcast it all on the internet. He also went to see prostitutes and he was always very violent.” The defendant’s new companion is in the room, hears everything, but seems to have been made aware of everything that had brought this man to justice. For the victim, the lawyer will joke about the fact that the defendant had taken up sport, “to be precise. It didn’t work out for her. If she hadn’t made the healthy decision to leave him, she might not be here today.”

Today they are fighting over their cat

After months of separation, the couple is torn apart over a cat. A form of blackmail has been established. If she withdraws her complaint, he will give her back the cat.

“Madame, insists the presenter of the public prosecutor, even if you withdraw your complaint, it is we who decide whether or not to pursue your companion. Even if your cat’s future is at stake. You are an escort and it’s not forbidden. What is, is to force you to practice acts that you do not want. What he did is not very pretty. This does not honor him. They no longer have any reason to see each other and we can no longer let such stories pass. He must not have any further contact with you.” He requested eight months in prison with a two-year probationary suspension with provisional execution. (His sentence begins immediately, even if he appeals, Editor’s note). He will also have to complete an internship against sexist violence.

“He should have left when he felt he was slipping”

In defense of the accused, the lawyer pleaded for leniency from the court. “They lived together for a long time. He slipped up in the last 15 months of their relationship. It’s a shame, this relationship had become toxic. What reassures me today is that he has rebuilt his life and that his partner is in the room aware of everything. He was wrong. I can’t find any excuses for him, but we can’t remember the last fifteen months. “He is a good man. He must be judged wisely.”



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