young and senior, urban and rural, employees and civil servants, who voted what for the first round?

young and senior, urban and rural, employees and civil servants, who voted what for the first round?
young and senior, urban and rural, employees and civil servants, who voted what for the first round?

> Consult the results of the first round in your municipality

An expanded base for the RN

The historic score of the extreme right is based both on the strong mobilization of its traditional supporters (workers, employees, etc.), but also on a broadening of its base, which had already been observed during the European elections of June 9.

The Le Pen party comes out on top among generations aged 35 to 69, among women (32% against 17% in 2022), and among the most affluent (32% against 15% in 2022). Although its progression is very strong in large cities (28% against 13% in 2022), it is rural people who mainly vote RN. Its poorer performances are recorded among executives and the most qualified, but nevertheless the RN’s score has doubled (from 11% in 2022 to 22%).

Contrary to popular belief, young people mainly vote on the left: almost half of 18-24 year olds and 38% of 25-34 year olds voted for a candidate from the New Popular Front.

The presidential camp is chosen by those over 70 (32%). But the RN (29%) is not far behind. The far-right party obtains at least 30% of the votes in all other age groups, with a maximum of 40% among those aged 50-59.

Executives voted NFP, workers pro RN

57% of workers say they vote RN, 44% of employees. Conversely, only 21% of executives gave it their votes. This category of the population favors the New Popular Front at 34%, ahead of Ensemble at 26%.

Traditionally rather on the left, the civil servants were this time divided between NFP (35%) and RN (33%). Same split among job seekers, between NFP (37%) and RN (40%).

The RN in rural areas, and the NFP in the cities

Geographically too, the electorate also expresses itself very differently. The RN vote in villages (less than 2,000 inhabitants) reaches 40%. It remains the majority in municipalities with up to 200,000 inhabitants, but is reduced depending on the demographic stratum.



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