thousands of people gathered against transphobia

The Paris LGBTQ+ pride march against transphobia set off this Saturday early afternoon from the north of the capital to reach Place de la République.

The crowd responded, especially young people, to fight against transphobia. They were numerous, from midday this Saturday, to gather at the Porte de la Villette, in the north of Paris. They took up in a festive atmosphere slogans such as “let’s vote for our rights”, “put some glitter in your life”, “the fight is my pride”, or even “against transphobia: transsolidarités”.

This is the slogan written on the banner at the head of the procession. This is how Pride Month ends, an international celebration that takes place in June each year to remember the fight for LGBT+ rights

“Until now we suffered from ignorance, now it is direct hatred,” judged Anaïs Perrin-Prevelle, director of OUTrans at a press conference.

A strategic moment, on the eve of the elections

Organized on the eve of the first round of legislative elections, the pride march is also an opportunity for slogans or political speeches targeting all personalities or parties accused of being opposed to LGBTQ+ rights.

“Pride is the party, but before the party it is the riot, the anger, in a very serious social and political context,” said Mimi, co-president of the association supporting trans people. Acceptess-T.

The opportunity for two sisters aged 16 and 20, from Normandy, to claim their rights without fear of being judged: “In our small town, coming out as lesbian is difficult, here we feel surrounded and safe . This is our first march, we want to claim our rights which are threatened,” they declared.

Even if the march took place calmly, it experienced a brief moment of agitation when Mila, a young woman harassed following her comments on Islam in 2020 and support of the far right, arrived at the surroundings of the procession. Accompanied by Vincent Lapierre, former editor-in-chief of “Equality and Reconciliation”, she was floured.

Great people at the meeting

Colorful floats, unicorn-shaped balloons, hearts or disco balls, percussion concert or London-style bus of the Act-up association, the procession leaving from the Porte de la Villette must reach the Place de la République where a concert is planned from 4:30 p.m. Expected on stage are Eddy de Pretto, Bilal Hassani, Desire, Louïz and the drag queen Piche.

A “die-in”, an event where participants lie down on the ground to symbolize those who died from AIDS, is also scheduled. According to a police source at AFP, the authorities expect to see between 50,000 to 80,000 participants.



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