We finally know why Ludivine (Married at First Sight) cried when she saw Raphaël for the first time

We finally know why Ludivine (Married at First Sight) cried when she saw Raphaël for the first time
We finally know why Ludivine (Married at First Sight) cried when she saw Raphaël for the first time

Sunday, June 30, 2024, Sam Zirah received Ludivine, from Married at First Sight, on his Youtube channel. She returned to her adventure and explained why she cried when she saw Raphaël for the first time.

Screenshot of Ophélie in Married at First Sight / M6

Their marriage didn’t work out. Ludivine and Raphaël ended up divorcing after the show Married at first sight. After Ludivine’s harsh words towards her, Raphaël failed to give her a second chance. She was invited on Sunday, June 30, 2024 on Sam Zirah’s Youtube channel. The opportunity for her to look back on her adventure within the program and discuss her journey. She notably explained why she cried when she saw Raphaël for the first time.

A very stressful time

While Sam Zirah asks her what causes these tears, Ludivine replies that it is a “relief.” “There is a lot of pressure, we are in a very intense moment”, she explains before recounting the whole organization in terms of paperwork, hair, makeup… which takes the whole morning. “After the meal they tell us ‘let’s go’, and then I have a sort of panic attack because I’m going to get married anyway.” She then says that she was in a very stressful state when she joined her father in the car. A feeling of anguish and fear that will follow her until the discovery of her husband.

“I’m letting go of everything”

When the curtain opens, Ludivine feels immense relief. “I see him (Editor’s note: Raphaël) in the distance and I say to myself ‘it’s okay, I like him’, so then I let go of everything”she confides. “I arrive crying, but with joy”, she explains. A very emotional moment for Ludivine, who felt a real connection with Raphaël. Unfortunately, the happiness will be short-lived since the couple will quickly argue. A conflict that he will not overcome because despite Ludivine’s apologies, Raphaël will end up asking for a divorce, and will not go back on his decision. Despite everything, they managed to stay on very good terms. “We get along really well, we laugh, the connection we saw on the wedding day is there, we still found each other but on another level,” explains Ludivine to Sam Zirah. “Friends at first sight”, then concludes the YouTuber, and it’s a great story too.



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