David Habib and Nicolas Cresson respond to pro-defusion

David Habib and Nicolas Cresson respond to pro-defusion
David Habib and Nicolas Cresson respond to pro-defusion

David Habib (various left) and Nicolas Cresson (National Rally) face each other for the second round of the legislative elections on Sunday. They responded to the association J’aime Sainte-Suzanne, which has been fighting for ten years for the resumption of autonomy of the commune of around 1,000 inhabitants associated with Orthez since 1973. “In fact, they make and undo the laws, and this forced marriage…

David Habib (various left) and Nicolas Cresson (National Rally) face each other for the second round of the legislative elections on Sunday. They responded to the association J’aime Sainte-Suzanne, which has been fighting for ten years for the resumption of autonomy of the commune of around 1,000 inhabitants associated with Orthez since 1973. “In fact, they make and undo the laws, and this forced marriage cannot be undone without the approval of Mr. Prefect,” comment the pro-defusion. They point out that their approach is intended to be non-partisan, the collective being “united by concern for the destiny of a village which can no longer undertake business under Orthézian supervision”.

Two questions were asked to the candidates: “Would you be ready to support a law giving the vote of the population of the associated municipality a decisive weight in the prefectural decision? “, and “do you support the request for demerger from the majority of the inhabitants of Sainte-Suzanne? “.

The pro-defusion collective J’aime Sainte-Suzanne “challenged” the legislative candidates in the associated commune.

Luce Garderes

Nicolas Cresson’s position is very clear: “I fully share the concerns of the residents of Sainte-Suzanne regarding their desire to regain their historic commune,” he proclaims. “It is unacceptable that the final decision on such a fundamental issue rests solely in the hands of the prefects, without taking into account the democratic expression of the citizens concerned.” He therefore commits to “supporting legislation that would give the vote of the population of the associated commune a decisive weight in the prefectural decision.” And says he is “ready to defend the request for demerger,” to “give back to the residents control over their destiny.”

David Habib, for his part, made amends: “I was, in this matter, clumsy.” When the prefecture refused to grant the demerger to Sainte-Suzanne, he therefore considered: “it was no longer up to me to interfere in this contentious process”, which “no longer pertained to politics but to legal matters”. Less clear on the demerger, and sparing the mayor of Orthez who supports him politically, he responds: “Our intercommunity must allow Sainte-Suzanne to experience the development that it deserves. I have also taken many steps to promote appeasement between the different stakeholders in this matter. » Concerning the evolution of the law, he answers: “I am in favor of it”. And he says he is “very ready to participate in this reflection”.

Legislative: results “included” in those of Orthez

During the first round of the legislative elections this Sunday, June 30, members of the pro-defusion association J’aime Sainte-Suzanne deplored that the results were “not communicated but included in those of Orthez”. As a reminder, in the 3rd constituency, the outgoing left-wing deputy David Habib obtained 37.6%, and the National Rally candidate Nicolas Cresson 31.5%. The two will be in the second round duel on Sunday July 7. In Orthez – the figures therefore include Sainte-Suzanne – Habib did 41.1% and Cresson 26.7%. And in Sainte-Suzanne, as detailed by the pro-defusion: 40.71% for Habib and 26.9% for Cresson. Percentages very close to those of Orthez.

The pro-demerger deplores that the results of the legislative elections are included in those of Orthez, and not distinct.




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