In Paris, several thousand people march for the LGBTQIA+ Pride March

Several thousand people will march in Paris on Saturday, June 29, 2024, for the Pride March. ODHRAN DUNNE FOR “THE WORLD”

With the watchword “Against transphobia: transsolidarities”several thousand people are marching in Paris for the annual LGBTQIA+ Pride March on Saturday, June 29. According to a police source from Agence France-Presse, authorities are expecting 50,000 to 80,000 participants.

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Colourful floats, unicorn-shaped balloons, hearts or disco balls, a percussion concert or a London-style bus from the AIDS association Act up-Paris, the procession is due to reach Place de la République in the afternoon, where a concert is planned with headliners Eddy de Pretto, Bilal Hassani, Desire, Louïz and drag queen Piche.

A young crowd had gathered at midday, at the Porte de la Villette, a popular district in the north of Paris, repeating slogans such as “Let’s vote for our rights”, “put glitter in your life”, “The fight is my pride”in a rally organized on the eve of the first round of early legislative elections where the National Rally is announced as the favorite.

The motto of this march – “Against transphobia: transsolidarities” – is written on the banner at the head of the procession as the organizers of this 2024 edition intend to denounce a transphobic offensive. “Until now we suffered from ignorance, now it is direct hatred”judged Anaïs Perrin-Prevelle, director of OUTrans during a press conference. “In 2024, we experienced an unprecedented anti-trans campaign”citing in particular the publication of the book Transmania. Investigation into the excesses of transgender ideology, by Marguerite Stern and Dora Moutot, added the activist.

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Increase in attacks against LGBTQIA+ people

“The transphobic offensive has invaded public debate, antitrans publications have multiplied, sometimes without the slightest reaction from the authorities “, denounced a few days before this march, James Leperlier, president of Inter-LGBT, which brings together around sixty associations.

“The Senate, for its part, voted for a text which, for us, is profoundly criminal.”he also denounced, in reference to a proposed law aimed at “regulating” gender transitions before the age of 18 and adopted at the end of May by the upper house.

This Pride March is organized on Saturday June 29, the day before the first round of the legislative elections.

This Pride March is organized on Saturday, June 29, the day before the first round of legislative elections. OLYMPIA DE MAISMONT / AFP

“This hate speech is used for electoral purposes”he lamented, targeting the recent comments of the President of the Republic, Emmanuel Macron, completely judging “gross” the left’s proposal concerning, according to him, a “sex change, free, in town hall”.

In the procession, many slogans and speeches were aimed at all the personalities or parties accused of being opposed to LGBTQIA+ rights. “Pride is a party, but before the party, it is a riot, anger, in a very serious social and political context”said Mimi, co-president of the trans support association Acceptess-T. According to the Ministry of the Interior, attacks against LGBTQIA+ people increased by 13% in 2023 in France compared to 2022, with even a 19% jump in crimes and offences recorded by the police and the gendarmerie.

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