A rainbow pedestrian crossing inaugurated in Charles-Perrens, a first in a hospital in France

A rainbow pedestrian crossing inaugurated in Charles-Perrens, a first in a hospital in France
A rainbow pedestrian crossing inaugurated in Charles-Perrens, a first in a hospital in France

There are currently ten rainbow pedestrian crossings in the public domain in Bordeaux, symbols of the LGBT+ cause. The first was built under the former mandate, in 2019, cours du Chapeau-Rouge. They are now found in all neighborhoods. But on the website…

There are currently ten rainbow pedestrian crossings in the public domain in Bordeaux, symbols of the LGBT+ cause. The first was built under the former mandate, in 2019, cours du Chapeau-Rouge. They are now found in all neighborhoods. But on the site of a hospital, this is a first in France. It connects two buildings housing psychiatric hospital patients.

On the occasion of its inauguration, on June 28, which began with songs from the Gayté de choir choir, Doctor Sébastien Gard, psychiatrist at the Charles-Perrens hospital center, where he chairs the establishment medical commission, recounted the genesis of this “very beautiful” project: “We are at the end of the day. Doctor Arnaud Deloge [un des chefs de pôle de Charles-Perrens, NDLR] walks. A ray of sunlight shines through the glass panels surrounding the first floor patio. By an optical phenomenon, this ray drew a rainbow on the road. »

Respect for rights

For Thierry Biais, the director of the hospital, this approach is about “celebrating diversity and raising awareness of respect for the rights of people, whatever their sexual orientation or gender identity, but also about making visible the problems that still exist today to guarantee the effectiveness of the rights of LGBT + people. In his speech, he recalled that CH Charles-Perrens had “a care system dedicated to transidentity, in cooperation with the Bordeaux University Hospital”.

Present alongside Sylvie Justome, the deputy mayor in charge of health and safety, Olivier Escots, the deputy in charge of the fight against all discrimination, wanted to mention all the actions carried out in this area by the City. “If there was only the symbol, it would not be enough,” he emphasizes. Among the associations represented, there were Girofard, Refuge and Ancres (Adelphes non-cisgenres), which considers this national first as “a fairly strong symbol.”



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