update on the traffic calming plan

update on the traffic calming plan
update on the traffic calming plan

Around sixty people responded to the municipality’s invitation on Tuesday, June 25, 2024, to take stock of the neighborhood’s traffic calming plan.

This is an overall assessment, which will still need to be refined after test periods, that Christophe Boulanger, municipal councilor and 1is vice-president of the Touraine mobility union.

This one announced news which will not fail to delight the inhabitants of Tours-nord. “From the summer, we will see a densification of the bus network. Based on the observation that the Maginot axis is poorly served, we are launching line 13 (Petite Arche, Tranchée, Saint-Cyr, NCT + medical center), line 17 will be simplified, and line 12 redesigned on Sainte-Radegonde.”

Note a second night line, three times a week, with stops on demand. For those over 70“we will offer a door-to-door support service, upon reservation “, specifies the municipal councilor.

Significant work

The city of Tours is moving to 30 km/h, except for major roads such as Avenue du Danemark and Boulevard du Maréchal-Juin. In order to prepare the Vélival cycle route, work is planned on the Rostand and Emmaüs roundabouts.

To respond to the concerns of local residents, Christophe Boulanger assures that the municipality will “to deal with the extremely substantial work on the Tranchée in sections. At the end of the two summer months, the Tranchée will have the same functionality. There will still be parking spaces, but a little less, on the ring road of the square. The south of the rue des Bordiers will become a cycle street, with a two-way path on the north.”

Soon the final renovation scenario at Douets?

Bertrand Renaud, the deputy for the Tours-North-East district, believes that “The final scenario for the renovation of Rue de Suède, costing 6 million euros, is approaching, after a few weeks without consensus. Within a fortnight, we will meet with residents and shopkeepers, the neighborhood committee, and the Les Douets de Tours association.”

Regarding the concerns of traders regarding the works, “We moved the traffic ban upstream to maintain permeability around the Coop Nature, continues the deputy. We are breaking up Rue de Suède but we are maintaining the flow with the different businesses.” A solution that will be tested for a few months and which seems to satisfy the traders, finally reassured about the continued influx of their customers.

Finally, Mayor Emmanuel Denis, responding to a resident concerned about the flooding in Petite Gironde, pointed the finger “climate disruption. We are doing our utmost to improve water flow, but it is impossible to predict extreme phenomena!”

Details of the facilities available on the metropolitan area website, “Works” section.



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