A new chapter in Moroccan-American relations

A new chapter in Moroccan-American relations
A new chapter in Moroccan-American relations

The recent televised debate between US President Joe Biden and Republican candidate Donald Trump highlighted the distinctive features of the potential future president of the United States. Meanwhile, in Rabat, anticipation is palpable for the return of the ” owner of historical recognition » of the Moroccanness of the Sahara.

The American media did not mince their words about the performance judged ” catastrophic » by Joe Biden, emphasizing “ the president’s defeat ” in the face of Trump’s obvious and imposing confidence. The ” Washington Post ” noted that “Biden fell short, failing to articulate and develop his ideas, particularly on health care.”

For its part, Agence France-Presse (AFP) reported that ” Trump dominated the debate with remarkable confidence, facing a visibly hesitant and confused Biden.« .

In terms of content, the differences were not significant regarding support for Israel in the Gaza war, despite Trump’s criticism of Biden. The same was true for the war in Ukraine and other international issues.

Following this debate, followed closely around the world, the actions of Trump’s company, ” Trump Media“, recorded a 5% increase during last Friday’s trading.

Amid the media storm, Vice President Kamala Harris attempted to shut down the debate over Biden’s performance by admitting that ” his performance was not at its best« .

The « Wall Street Journal » wrote that « Biden collapsed in his first confrontation with Trump, suffering from stutters, a hoarse voice and an overall unsteady performance« .

Trump’s rise and its impact on Moroccan-American relations

Under Biden’s presidency, relations between Morocco and the United States have seen a strengthening of military and diplomatic cooperation, without however calling into question Trump’s decision to recognize the sovereignty of the kingdom over its southern regions. However, this recognition was not followed by the opening of a consulate in Dakhla.

Statements by U.S. officials regarding Morocco have been cautious, limiting themselves to supporting the autonomy initiative and the efforts of the United Nations, without making explicit statements on the Moroccanness of the Sahara.

Recently, in a phone call between Nasser Bourita, Moroccan Foreign Minister, and Antony Blinken, US Secretary of State, the State Department welcomed ” Rabat’s regional role« .

Moussaoui Ajlaoui, an expert in African affairs and the Sahara issue, stressed that relations between Morocco and the United States are based on solid institutions and that Trump’s recognition has not been canceled.

In a statement to Hespress, Ajlaoui clarified that Morocco has achieved under Trump what no other American president has accomplished, stressing that the recognition included ” the opening of a consulate in Dakhla which has still not taken place” He added that some thought this would prompt Biden to reverse Trump’s decision, but ” recognition continues unchanged, and maps have often been published in full« .

The expert also noted that despite the recognition and the absence of a US consulate in Dakhla, Morocco has not yet allowed the opening of an Israeli embassy, ​​settling for a liaison office. He wondered whether Trump, if he returned, would complete this recognition by opening the consulate, saying that this could open a new chapter in Moroccan-American relations.

A rapprochement expected with the potential return of Trump

Douglas Pitkin, director of the Bureau of Budget and Planning at the US State Department, had previously confirmed at a press conference that ” The timeline for the consulate opening is not set, with planning still underway due to security concerns« .

Dr. Daoud Aba, a researcher in international law at Mohammed V University in Rabat, said that ” Trump’s expected rise could double the strength of Morocco-US relations compared to the Biden period« .

Aba added that the American recognition of the Moroccanness of the Sahara came in recognition of Rabat’s efforts at the regional level, and that it is an executive decision ” irreversible”. Trump’s return could solve the problem of the absence of a US consulate in Dakhla and probably strengthen ties between the two countries, he stressed before concluding that ” Biden to step down, expected since Gaza war« .



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