Ousmane Sonko explains why he has not yet made a general policy statement

Ousmane Sonko explains why he has not yet made a general policy statement
Ousmane Sonko explains why he has not yet made a general policy statement

The Senegalese National Assembly is still awaiting Prime Minister Ousmane Sonko’s general policy declaration, more than three months after his appointment. In a communication published this Friday, the Prime Minister justifies this delay by inconsistencies in the internal regulations of the National Assembly.

With our correspondent in Dakar, Juliette Dubois

Ousmane Sonko explains that he will not hold his general policy declaration before the National Assembly “ that once the parliamentary majority has reinstated in the internal regulations all the provisions relating to the Prime Minister “. Indeed, he explains that these provisions were repealed in 2019, with the abolition of the post of Prime Minister. And that they have not been updated since the restoration of the function in 2021.

If the internal regulations are not modified by the parliamentarians by July 15, Ousmane Sonko announces that he will hold his General Policy Declaration before an assembly made up of the “ sovereign Senegalese people, partners of Senegal and a jury composed of academics, intellectuals and apolitical citizen actors ».

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