The Flame heated up the town center of Chaumont

The Flame heated up the town center of Chaumont
The Flame heated up the town center of Chaumont

More than calm an hour before the passage of the Flame, the city center of Chaumont, from Boulingrin to the Town Hall, welcomed a large and festive crowd for the end of the Flame’s journey.

For a long time, it was believed that there would not be many people, that the lack of enthusiasm for the Paris 2024 Games was not an illusion. The Chaumontais finally responded in the city center, this Friday, during the passage of the Olympic Flame. Mechanically, the crowd from Square Boulingrin, who had enjoyed the park and its many activities all day, moved to Rue Victoire de la Marne.

Fencing and boxing demonstrations enlivened the forecourt of the town hall in the afternoon.

There, fencing and boxing demonstrations had already enlivened the middle of the afternoon. In front of their establishment, the Saint-Saëns middle school students, as well as the students of the Sainte-Marie school, had already been waiting for a while. Phryges and homemade flames in hand, the youngest were even excited as fleas waiting for the caravan.

The police and the CRS were also in light mode despite the maximum security surrounding the event.

In eight days, we’ll do it again

Before his arrival, the CRS and the motorcyclists of the national police, among others, had been treated to a crowd bath, almost worthy of rock stars. A light, relaxed atmosphere with one watchword: enjoy the event. In all lightness. When Michel Sayer took the start of the last relay, the craze went up another notch.

Family photo with the Chaumont relay runners on the forecourt of the Town Hall.

On the square in front of the town hall, the Vosges was welcomed by the municipal band of Chaumont and cheered by the crowd in decidedly festive mode. One last family photo with all the torchbearers along the route and the Flame had already left for Froncles. In eight days, the Tour de France will pass through there again.

Delphine Catalifaud

  • Even the adults got involved… in the Games! (Photos: DC)
  • Everything was an excuse to be joyful and light.
  • The Saint-Saëns college students took full advantage of this historic moment.


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