Minor arrested after rodeo in city

Minor arrested after rodeo in city
Minor arrested after rodeo in city

The device was not confiscated since it was returned to the parents at the end of last week near Manosque.

“Summer is coming and rodeos are starting again, it’s a classic.” This police officer, who is used to the exercise, knows perfectly well that the police will have to be extra vigilant in the coming weeks in the face of risky behavior on the road.

“-20% compared to 2019”

In Manosque, at the end of last week, a minor was arrested after having rodeoed on a motocross bike in the middle of town. The young man was slaloming between cars, taking reckless risks.

Thanks to the joint work of the national and municipal police, the reckless driver was able to be arrested without incident. An act immediately praised by the mayor, Camille Galtier. “With the national police of Alpes-de-Haute-Provence, hand in hand, the work is done daily to protect the Manosquins and reduce delinquency, year after year, -20% compared to 2019”, announces the mayor on his Facebook page.

The motorcycle was not confiscated since it was given to the parents of the young man arrested.

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